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Guidance For Those Who Want to Transform Their Lives

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If an ex-convict can transform his life for success after a decade in prison, you can too.

The weight of feeling lost, confused, and/or alone is not unique, however each person experiences it in their own way.

Mental health has skyrocketed. More people feel disconnected and unloved than ever before, even though we're more connected through technology than any other point in modern history. Why?

The reasons can be debated, however, one reason is 
the disconnect we feel from ourselves (our true and authentic expressions of being). If you resonate with that feeling, you've probably asked these three questions:


  1. Who am I?
  2. Why am I here?
  3. When will things change for the better?


Those questions can only be answered after unlocking the cell that your essence has been locked into. If anyone understands it's Coach Mike D.A. He hit rock bottom in his life over 15 years ago. Most left him for dead.

Now known as a published author, wellness expert, and business consultant, Coach Mike D.A. previously served over a decade in prison for organizing unarmed bank robberies. He came home with little money to his name and nothing else in his early 30's. Learn how he transformed his life from a lost youth to a found man, and how you can use this 
proven system to achieve:


  • Success
  • Happiness
  • Peace of mind


The 9 Levels of True Transformation shares time-tested guidelines for rising above the darkness you may feel today.  It provides the "tribal support" that many people feel like they no longer have in this society.


It's time to leave those feelings behind and be empowered for a brighter existence.


Start reading this book today, then share the journey with others so they can join in.


Below is information for "The 9 Levels of True Transformation":


Full title: "The 9 Levels of True Transformation: How to Evolve From Feeling Lost to Being Found"
Author name: Coach Mike D.A.
Publisher/Imprint: Tru' Alchemi Publishing
Pub date: January 26, 2023
Page count: 97
Note if illustrated: N/A
Price: $10.99
ISBN: 9798372119598
ebook price and ISBN: 5.99 (N/A)
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