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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2015 in Posts

  1. I actually wrote a paper on this topic. I even used the discussion of how Black kids were presented in Children's toy commercials. This was a while back, but I'm sure like this post states the numbers probably haven't changed much at all. The problem begins with how overwhelmingly frustrating the submission process is to get an agent and to get a publisher. Those rejection letters are like daggers no matter how much you love writing. Even when I succeeded in getting an agent, I grew frustrated with the requests for gangsta lit. I write a Young Adult novel for my thesis and while it was just my panel, they thought the book was pretty darn good. My agent didn't even try to get me in the door with that book. I eventually gave up on it and did what most writers do, I got a job. People will only write what they feel will sell it seems. There are probably some pretty good children's lit books out there, but the writer's a frustrated.
    1 point
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