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Kola Boof

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Status Updates posted by Kola Boof

  1. RIP Nick Ashford. Damn. He's way too young to be dead. Can't believe this. NP---"The Boss" by Diana Ross (Produced by Ashford & Simpson)

  2. SAN FRANCISCO!!! Kola Boof in person THIS SATURDAY at 6pm at Marcus Bookstore San Francisco! Reading "The Sexy Part of the Bible"

  3. SERENA WILLIAMS: It's a tragedy the way WHITE PEOPLE "over-dramatize" shit...when Black People do it. CBS kept it going, not Serena. I think it hurts Serena....that WHITE AMERICA won't accept her as **THEIR** Golden Girl. She has every right to exhibit "angst" over that.

  4. The average Hip Hop Music Video does the same thing that "The Help" does----makes WHITE PEOPLE feel good. I hate Black music videos. __________________________

  5. The HIJAB and the Hoodie: ________________________ The fact that Iraq was the top slave holding Arab state for African slaves....and that Basra, Iraq is the largest slave port in world history (bringing in black slaves from Africa) ....really bothers me. The 8 million Blacks living in Iraq are there because of slavery and they currently have "0" rights even though they have been there 100's of years.

  6. The reading in SEATTLE was amazing and wonderful. Everyone here is shocked to discover that Kola Boof has a **WHITE** Aunt. She was the hit of the reading & I'm staying with her this week. Great fun & amazingly sunny hot weather here in Seattle. Totally love this city (SO many men after me up here).

  7. The reason I don't get along with a lot of other "Writers".....is because they're BORING and IMAGE conscious. Most are not relevant. Publishing biz is FILLED with boring ass cretins who think they're better than everybody else. This is why you don't see me getting along with a lot of them, ESPECIALLY the Black ones.

  8. There is no way that a Female can survive in America without being some form of Feminist. The brave call themselves Feminist straight out.

  9. THIS SATURDAY at 6 pm Kola Boof at Marcus Bookstore in San Francisco **SAN FRANCISCO** ________________

  10. UPDATE: I will be hospitalized on September 29th for brain scan & biopsy. The FLUID behind my right eye has been removed. I am not really fearful. ***

  11. UPDATE: Kola Boof is home and doing great! She should be back shortly. Rahel Thorsten! :) ______________________

  12. WEEKEND REPORT = Somebody busted a window, pissed that her husband won't defend her honor. She's going to lose that man. *Her Bad attitude* I look forward to seeing her demolished and hurt...like I was hurt. ~*~

  13. Will Smith has **always** been a cheater...so I'm not surprised they finally broke up. I guess "open marriage" didnt work. DENZEL and Pauletta are the "Prize" Black Couple to me in Hollywood. Only Barak & Michelle are higher than them.

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