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Everything posted by alannkay

  1. Breaking the rules by Alan N. Kay is a wonderful story written for young people about a hidden tragedy in African American history. It deals with the documented kidnapping of free African Americans from the town of Chambersburg during the Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania in June of 1863. By having the main character, a young boy born free, interact with slaves after his kidnapping it also allows the reader to explore how African Americans sharing the same problems but very different upbringings had to learn to work together to overcome unbelievable circumstances. The book climaxes with the African American regiment that was heroically and tragically attacked at the battle of the Crater at Petersburg. Kay's favorite issue in the book is how the main character, born free, must learn to relate to fellow African Americans who were born into slavery and deal with his own prejudice as well! http://youngheroesofhistory.com/category/breaking-the-rules/
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