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NBC's Coverage of the Olympics

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It was very difficult to watch NBC's coverage of the Olympics. If I had to look at Michael Phelps mother's mug for another second I probably would have lost it.

So much time was spent on human interest instead of actual competition it was nerve racking. The were so fixated on trying to catch Orsoco in tears they did not even cover other athletes competing. Scores were unannounced -- few routines shown.

Why so much coverage of beach volleyball?

There is an twitter hashtag #nbcfail where people are venting over NBC's coverage. I have not read many of the tweets, they are not very interesting to me.

What is interesting is that athletes are getting booted out of the Olympics for something that they tweeted. My God, you have countries guilty of murdering their citizens participating, but say something stupid on tweeter and you get kicked out.

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