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Twitter has a lot of nerve!

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The world wide web really is controlled by big web sites.  Perhaps I should just give up complaining about everything we have all lost as a result of the corporate take over of the internet and do something else -- for real.


Twitter "gave" me $100 of "free" advertising.  It was one of those deals where you give them a credit card number and they make money because they know you will end up not cancelling your campaign when the $100 is used up.  Well in a few days I used up $340 in extra charges. 


I fought the charges but PayPal, unlike AMEX, is useless against another corporation.  Need ess to say I will never ever use Twitter for advertising.  I would ditch PayPal too if there was a substitute.


Today Twitter has the balls to send me an email with this image.  Apparently I was supposed to be so impressed by my "investment" that I would throw away more money on advertising with them.  Twitter clearly does not use their Big Data to check advertiser satisfaction 'cause they would know I they think their advertising sucks.


First, the worst advertisement on AALBC.com performs better than what is shown on this graphic below. 


Second, I got 24 followers at 2 bucks a pop.  I can tell you right now I can get 24 followers just by asking a few hundred people (there is software that does this for you) or I can follow a bunch of people and a reasonable percentage will follow me back.  There is software that does this too, but I generally do use this stuff any more. $2 per follower is outrageous! 


Third, I don't understand how  24 users saw my tweets 1.1K times that just does not make sense as I don't tweet THAT much.


Finally, 26 engagements does not mean 26 visits to my website and it certainly does not mean a transaction here.  I don't care about retweets, or having my tweets favorited if these do not result is visitors coming back to my website.  I can tell you from all the data that I've collected compared to FaceBook (which I'm not in love with either) Twitter is far worse in actually redirecting people to my website.


Ads are a waste of money for me, as my posts on social media attract as many people as a paid ads  -- for now.  The problem is that social media sites control who sees your posts.  In much the same way Google controls who discovers your website.  So Twitter and Facebook can very easily throttle back on who sees my posts and create a need for me to buy advertising to maintain the same effectiveness.  Unfortunately besides social media and Google there really are not very many on-line adverting option for me.



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