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Join the fight for independence on the Web. Learn how and why it is important

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Interestingly this fight for independent websites is similar to the fight Black owned independent Bookstores waged a decade ago.  Sadly, I was not perceived by many book stores as a strong advocate because, as a web-based bookseller I was perceived as part of the problem.


That was a shame because I have always actively advocated for and supporting independent black owned bookstores with money, book donations, time and energy.  I have never received or sought anything in return. 


The funny thing about this battle is that unless you actually operate a website, as a business, you wouldn't have a clue what is going on online. 


But even if folks are made aware few will really care enough to lift a finger.  I mean if we can't me moved to do anything about crappy public schools, our food supply, climate change, why would anyone lift a finger to support the handful of independent websites that are left?


I have to admit though I have received quite a bit of support from all sorts of folks who ponied up money to pay for the monthly eNewsletter subscription, some paying $100 or more!  It is a reminder that there is still an audience out there for the information I'm trying to share.  I know every contribution I made to others last year was felt, something was given up or sacrificed. Every $1 matters and is appreciated.


I've been spending a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Youtube, Pinterest, Linkedin, Foursquare* (in order of benefit).  Facebook is far and away the most effective Twitter is a distant 2nd.  The rest I could stop using completely and feel no impact.  In any event starting to day I'm no longer engaging people on social media.  I will share links to this site (remotely) and others.  But will only communicate with people on websites--not social media


The worst case scenario is that I get no support and my website's traffic goes way down without engaging others on social media.


The best case scenario is that I get a critical mass of other website owners to work on ways to bolster each other enabling us to read readers free of the effect of social media or search.


The mostly likely scenario is that I free up a lot of time and keep the traffic I have, but am able improve the site because I'll be spending more time here than on Facebook.




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