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Eda Blessed - A Ki Khanga Adventure


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Raised in the streets of Sati-Baa, Omari Ket is a man that gets by on his wits and skills . . . and the attentions of a god. Eda Blessed shares the tales of the man and the mercenary as he roams the roads of Ki Khanga bouncing from one adventure to another surviving with his skills, wits, and Eda's blessings.

Eda Blessed Paperback

Eda Blessed E-Book


The bad man of sword and soul has arrived, damn it to the Cleave! Eda Blessed is a collection of stories all about Ki Khanga's resident rogue, Omari Ket, a feared and unusually lucky Mikijen Mercenary, favored by Eda. Omari Ket is the anti-hero you love to hate... and love, oddly enough. Open THIS book and you are in for a wild ride. A ride you'll enjoy every second of!
-Balogun Ojetade, Master Griot of Ki Khanga: The Sword and Soul Role Playing Game.


Eda's Blessed is the perfect storm where setting, tone, character, and story all snap into place, creating something special.
-Steve Rosenstein and Rodney Turner, Microphones of Madness


Milton Davis brings us an exciting character who is clearly a rogue, a thief and an all-around womanizing scoundrel. His one flaw is that he somehow manages to do the right thing at the right time. Eda Blessed is a fun, fast paced ride, helmed by a hero...or antihero...who leads us on a journey into the quirkier side of Sword and Soul. Enjoy the ride! It's worth it!
-Ronald Jones, Author of Warrior of the Four Worlds and Kitombo


Milton Davis has done it again! Omari Ket is the personification of a Chaotic Good Rogue who you don't want to cross, but might want on your side in a fight. Davis weaves his understanding of African culture with his love of the Black Fantastic into a series of stories that will capture your imagination. You'll have a tough time putting it down. If you like the anti-heroes of The Black Company by Glen Cook or the reluctant and recalcitrant hero Elric Of Melnibone' by Michael Morecock then pick this up and be Eda Blessed.
- Gerald L. Coleman, Author of When Night Falls and A Plague of Shadows


Eda Blessed is a blast! Set in the world of Ki Khanga, this collection of stories about the roguish Omari Ket's rise from the back alleys to mercenary to a path of unwanted supernatural destiny is a terrific work of sword & sorcery.
-Fletcher Vredenburgh, Sword and Sorcery Blogspot

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