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Hello!  My name is Charlton Alexander.  


A few years back, I took a spiritual gifts survey that surprisingly manifested “Artistic Communication (AC).” Why was I so surprised?    Evangelism and knowledge, I expected. But that AC would be my primary caught me by surprise.   Through the years, I would always write songs, create poems, and even draw pictures. Then, for 13 years, I designed PowerPoints for my church’s worship services.  Creativity is my thing. DUH!


Now that I have officially retired, it’s time to spend the rest of my life using my spiritual gift for God’s glory. I am working on my first book, building a non-profit, and with my church, serving as an Elder and starting a male chorus. I am married with two children and two grands (my happy place).

I’m here to meet and greet like-minded creative writing communicators. 


Please introduce yourself!




Charlton Alexander

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