Rodney D. Coates
Biography of Rodney D. Coates
Rodney D. Coates, Ph.D. is Professor of Sociology and Gerontology and the Director of Black World Studies at Miami University. He has published extensively in the area of critical race and ethnic relations.
Rodney D. Coates Visit Mr. Coates’ web site. It is simply one of the best designed poet sites I’ve seen to date — and I’ve seen many. — TDJ |
My task: to bring sight to the blind to heal wounds of affliction and to set captives free… this is what i was called to do… and poetry is my vehicle. — umoja, rodney c |
Love Notes in the Key of C by Rodneyc//98 Grey clouds, Distant storms, Lovescapes, Heart-Mates ,Life dictates its own reality. Discovering Each Other. Remember, hold on to the dream…….
You, hesitant voyagers…. It was only……. Ignore the music, check out the rhythm Enchanted Moments, Holidays for lovers, Cool rhythms, |
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