Tina Lifford
Tina Lifford is a 1-Time AALBC.com Bestselling Author
Biography of Tina Lifford
Tina Lifford began her acting career in 1983. Since then, the veteran Hollywood actress’s multi-faceted career has left an imprint on audiences worldwide. She currently plays Aunt Vi on Queen Sugar, OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network’s hit television show, which is based upon the novel, of the same name, by Natalie Baszile. She is also recognized playwright and CEO of The Inner Fitness Project, a personal development network that teaches individuals to focus more on thriving than on surviving. She desires to inspire people from all walks of life to invest in their emotional wellbeing and act on their dreams so that they can feel less stressed and respond to life with more personal power, insight, and wisdom.
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