Yes, You Can!: Advice for Teachers Who Want a Great Start and a Great Finish With Their Students of Color
by Gail L. Thompson
Publication Date: May 22, 2014
List Price: $32.95
Format: Paperback, 224 pages
Classification: Nonfiction
ISBN13: 9781452291710
Imprint: Corwin
Publisher: Corwin
Parent Company: SAGE Publishing
Description of Yes, You Can!: Advice for Teachers Who Want a Great Start and a Great Finish With Their Students of Color by Gail L. Thompson
An all-in-one toolkit that empowers new teachers to meet the needs of diverse learners In this book, renowned experts give novice teachers the self-confidence and empathy they need to address what may be their greatest challenge: guiding disadvantaged students to success in the classroom. Yes, You Can! includes:
Powerful vignettes about real teachers and students help promote teacher empathy and understanding Original research conducted by the authors on the confidence levels of new and experienced educators Targeted strategies for many student profiles: African American, Latino, Asian American, White, high-achiever, low-achiever, and more
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