2 Books Published by Amber Communications Group, Inc. on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Holistic Money Mindset: Mental Preparation for Abundance by Ray’Chel Wilson Holistic Money Mindset: Mental Preparation for Abundance

by Ray’Chel Wilson
Quality Press (Nov 19, 2021)
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I operate from a deep belief that we are all meant for abundance, but only if we choose to walk in it. In this day and age, we have the power to create the future that we want. However, many place higher value on the product over the process. The entire Black Wealth Freedom series, not only will guide you to learn disciplined steps to growing your money, but also, and most importantly, reframe how you think about money.

As you engage in the Black Wealth Freedom series, trust the process. Actively reflect on your goals. Work through this with an accountability buddy. Rework and re-approach. Above all else, know that you are meant for abundance.

Click for more detail about Kanye West in the Studio:  Beats Down!  Money Up!  The Studio Years (2000 - 2006) by Jake Brown Kanye West in the Studio: Beats Down! Money Up! The Studio Years (2000 - 2006)

by Jake Brown
Colossus Books (Apr 10, 2006)
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Kanye has proven to be the most creative force in hip-hop today, recently named to Time magazine’s list of 100 most infulential people in the world. This is his story…

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