3 Books Published by Amy Watkins on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Stepping Off the Porch by Amy Watkins Stepping Off the Porch

by Amy Watkins
Amy Watkins (May 08, 2021)
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Can one mistake cost you everything? Lovey Patello is under a lot of pressure. Her parents pressure her to be the perfect child. Her friends pressure her into losing her virginity. And she pressures herself to achieving her life goals. When heartbreak steers her away from pleasing her parents and more towards pleasing her friends, it sets her down a destructive path that may ultimately ruin her destiny.

Click for more detail about Cute For A Black Girl by Amy Watkins Cute For A Black Girl

by Amy Watkins
Amy Watkins (Oct 21, 2020)
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Though her beginnings were rough, Chloe is a beautiful, smart and talented girl with a promising future. She was adopted by Mr. Wilcox, a wealthy lawyer who is supportive of Chloe’s dreams and she is surrounded by loving family and friends. So how does this bright young girl end up unconscious in the ER? Foul play is suspected and a group of unlikely associates are unifying in an attempt to discover the truth.

Click for more detail about 200 Letters by Amy Watkins 200 Letters

by Amy Watkins
Amy Watkins (Mar 28, 2020)
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200 Letters is an inspirational romance suspense novel that follows two people as they try to escape abusive relationships. Their paths cross and their friendship quickly develops into a steamy romance. Unfortunately, the tainted lovers from their past scheme in an attempt to break up the happy couple. This scheming leads to an unjust incarceration during which letters are written between the couple to keep each other motivated. It is through those letters they gain spiritual enlightenment and discernment which helps them discover who is really behind those schemes. Based on true events, this award winning page turner is filled with passion, drama, suspense, and motivation.