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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2013 in Posts

  1. Where is "God" when we need him? When evil thrives, what's the incentive to do right, or keep the faith? The Republican zealots justify everything they do by quoting the bible, which is supposed to be god's word, and they are rewarded for their duplicity. Putting America's dilemma in the context of religion provides just one more reason to be disillusioned with what's going on here because "Satan" 's team is ahead in the game. All the praying cheer leaders are the beneficiaries of random luck when their prayers are answered. Why else would some people's prayers be answered, and not others; why is one person's prayer answered at the expense of another person's not being answered? Most of this country founders were Deists. They believed that god created man, then left him to his own devices, not choosing to intervene in man's affairs. God needs to re-think his strategy cuz it didn't work. It requires too much sacrifice and will power to tread the straight and narrow. Offering a heavenly reward for being angelic just doesn't cut it. Obama, like all the "messiahs" who came before him, is being crucified for his audacity of hope, Being consumed by the hellfire of Capitalism will be his fate. Meanwhile, the yin and yang cycle continues. Negativity will eventually complete its rotation, and positivity will have its turn. Time is the divine force that brings change. Ho Hum. zzzzzzzzzz
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