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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2014 in Posts

  1. America, specifically, and the world in general is in a state of chaos. Conflict permeates this country as a race war between Blacks and Whites looms on one front and a holy war between the US and ISIS threatens on another. In the black community, the middleclass and the underclass are at odds, pointing fingers at each other even as they experience the common enemy of racism. The economy cannot accomodate the unemployed and working poor because the effect of not taxing the corporate rich does not trickledown. The Military has an itchy trigger finger and thinks because it has a hammer, every foreign uprising is a nail. Harassinsg the POTUS is what tops the agenda of Republicans, and wringing their hands is the reaction of clueless Democrats. All the advances in science have yet to figure out a formula to solve problems with no solutions. All the praying and envoking the name of Jesus from the religous faithful has brought few results. Cyber technology has turned a whole generation into nimble-fingered androids texting their every thought, when not sharing their shallowness on the social media. Here in Chicago, one black church had raised several thousand dollars to send to Ferguson, Missouri, to help support the cause of murder victim Michael Brown. But, at the last minute, the congregation decided to instead use these funds as reward money to help catch the killer of 9-year-old Antonio Smith who was shot dead during gun fire exchange between local gang members. Blacks cannot win for losing. They are not one big happy family because they do not perpetuate little stable families. For every step forward, they take 2 steps backward. On August 18th, I "celebrated" my 81st birthday. Surveying the world I have been observing ever since I became aware of my surroundings, I gave my mind a gift as I bemoaned what has become a hot mess. Nothing i can do about the state of things, so fuck this shit.
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