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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2024 in Posts

  1. I have said in this very online community many times, my two married black parents made sure my education started at home first and not just history but arithmetic/chemistry/sports. I support the sister in her action to strengthen the culture of black learning in tampa. This isn't a museum but it is a place in a black populace in a state referring to the black populace in the state it's in, thank you troy https://aalbc.com/tc/topic/10746-blacks-in-hawaii/ some quotes "we have seen a force that would shatter our nation rather than share it, people will destroy a place or a people rather than to be accepting of diversity" The language of Black Federalist is so strong, but I comprehend the larger message which the father of Black Federalism, Frederick Douglass started. To black federalist the usa is what they want it to be, a pan-human government where equal opportunity plus individual rights exist for all in it, gardless their historical or modern relationship to the usa. And blacks who are not federalist are free to do as they will but black federalists will not speak to their partition in the black populace in the usa no matter their quantity or quality. "in the 1930s census , it has a list of people including my family members and no one could read and no one could right and that just ... was incredible to me" I wish she would had used the word saddening/angering. I don't find anything incredible/shocking/uncommon/odd about enslaved people, jim crow is a form of slavery, being unabled or disabled; that is the point of slavery. Slavery before the war between the states or Jim Crow after the war between the states from whites wouldn't had been mostly successful if it didn't unable or disable most black people.
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