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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2014 in Posts

  1. I am among the dinosaurs who still subscribe to and read an actual newspaper every day. The circulation figures of the 2 Chicago dailies although down, are not out so the print media is managing to hold its own here. Of course, The Chicago Sun-Times and The Chicago Tribune do have online versions for those wanting to get their news this way. As for black coverage, both of these dailies have popular black columnists on their staffs who monitor and editorialize about black issues. But not to be underestimated are the reading habits of the senior citizen population whose numbers are impressive. Out of habit, most of these computer illiterate folks still prefer their news via the print media. And would you believe, from what I've heard, crossword puzzles, of all things, are among the features that inspire newspaper loyalty among the older crowd. I can speak for this. My day is not complete until I work one of these challenging passtimes. There is no substitute for the ritual of filling in blanks on a paper page, using a wooden pencil that has a rubber eraser. Who needs Apple tablets and keyboards? Apples are for eating, and tablets for swallowing and keyboards for making music.
    1 point
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