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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2019 in Posts

  1. Kareem Is it possible that a relatively healthy 20 something year old woman could have a heart attack from losing a family member? I suppose it IS in the realm of possiblity. However we have people from the Middle East, inner city ghettos, and war zones all around the world where people have seen their entire families slaughtered....not just on tape.....but INFRONT of them and as distressing as it is most of them don't die of heart attacks. But perhaps as you said she decided to leave this world on her own terms (bordering on suicide?) OR perhaps her father felt her grief and pulled her out of here. What you said was very philosophical in that I've often considered whether this world of Caucasian domination (I'm trying to move away from the term "white supremacy") we were born into was meant to be a challenge to "go through" or one for us to "overcome" and defeat.
    1 point
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