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Posts posted by Ldvirtue

  1. Perception, it is not a matter of what you see in your mind. It is not what your eyes witness that make perception a reality. We see things all the time refusing to believe our lying eyes, our minds make us give our thoughts permission to compromise. Perception is based on experiences whether good or bad, it is about what we are taught and often more than not our parents where working with the best they had. It is hard to consider as the children we once where that others would impact the way we learn to view the world. There are those that come along to challenge what you believe because knowing is an Illusion wrapped in stories that are jaded by what is deemed truth. Reality and truth are far from best of friends, one man’s truth can brings another man’s reality to an end. Reality is determined in the very place that you stand and as you change your direction so will the truth as we understand. We see, think and decide that we know what to do, we base some simple principles on what we think is truth, but the truth for some is a noose about the neck, it keeps them in the dark where reality can’t be met. Someone is yelling, their perceptions into the night, not contemplating the outcome, who cares if it’s wrong or right, slightly changes words to history as it is told, taking for granted because no one is left who knows how the story really goes. So we perceive what we believe as the truth in modern times. We look for the words but they’ve been compromised, they wrote us out of the stories and rewrote themselves in the staring roles. they fractionized our existence and decided what we’d know. they took away our systems in an attempt to control our flow, well is it time that we took our stories back, taking control of our perception is where we will start, teaching the future generation just what they should know, so they understand that we are Gods greatest works of Art. It starts in us realizing it is in the way we view each other and the way we worship God as well as the way we react to their falsifying our royalty, and we all do this out of love. Changing a perception won’t be a simple task yet we must begin someplace and to start is all I ask.

  2. there is no indication of where she picked up this behavior, she is racist because of her chose of action but who is to say she didn't pick up this idealism in school or family, you are jumping to conclusion without fact.   not must people weather they believe or not or even white.  So many are full of hate of all cultures, we can not omit ourselves from the self hate we have as a people. the bitterness and confusion about who we are. A lot of the choices of the generations we have parented are showing as a people we are at best ignorant,  they watch  the real Housewives of Atlanta and Basket Balls wives, Green Leaf and Empire, for those with experiences limited to what they will see, they never see the reality of me and the culture I represent. and we buy into this fallacies, we promote it, they are insecure because of the man that is currently playing POTUS today.  Must of this hatred stems from fear, the music of today promotes fear, what they glamorize about our people on TV promotes fear, we can't begin to hold anyone responsible for our situations until we take responsibility for our situations. what are we protecting, for the must part they are mimicking us,  We need to start off protecting us from one another, joining each other, promoting and patronizing one another,  They expose the criminal, they uplift the rule breakers, we can change that as a people of color. but we will complain making no obvious change. saying this child is racist gets us were.  this conversation is mute if we aren't making a move.

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  3. I am not your friend. I am not here to please you. I am here to help shape you. It is my job to help you become a worthwhile part of society one day. So no I am not here to without merit to daily praise you. No, I don't have to play with you and as you get older the meaner I will seem so thank you, the fact that you are upset with me is a accolade you see. Your complaining is actually a compliment to me, so you know I am not a genie in a bottle and your wish is not my every command. I know when you have children you’ll better understand. So please don’t get it twisted I know you didn’t ask to be born you say every day but really who’s punishing whom because the teenager you  are is making me want to run away. Eventually you will come to find that there are things in life far meaner then I will ever seem. When you look back on your childhood it will seem like such a dream, so what is meaner than a parent? Let’s talk about your very first, like tent, no I mean rent. The bus dang I meant car payment, bills, groceries, bosses, friends spouses, oh I got off the topic of this conversation. Okay we will revisit this subject when your 25 and can re-evaluate the situation. You’ll probably think then, she wasn't as mean as she seemed to be, but you’ll have moved away from home and now we will use that room for AIR BNB

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  4. Depending on her age: It is quite normal for girls to like girls more than boys.

    People it's normal.

    To you who were born little girls, you should remember that.

    Okay so. The problem is when parents over react.

    The other problem is when we don’t tell girls that sisters, women we trust, grandmas, mothers, cousin, with woman we love there are simply lines we do not cross, the perversion comes when we cross that line and it’s in that very moment that God’s intent is lost.

    All women should know that the strongest bonds we will ever create will come from other females.

    We set the examples, it's an attraction thing, it's not a sexual thing, it's an ethical thing, not an experimental thing.

    We as woman are naturally attracted to one other.

    It is actually how we become friends. How we form bonds that are called sisterhoods and this is determined by commonality, it’s in today’s vernacular said sister of another mother.

    If you can remember that far back when we as girls at a particular age actually disliked the opposite sex all together, yes it’s normal. These are who we refer to when speaking B-B-F best friends forever.

    Young girls should not only be taught but, learn to love the female part of them. Nothing is more beautiful than a girl that flows into herself. she blossoms from within. 

    Femininity should be treasured; so when masculinity come into the equation, the balance is understood. The two that twain as one was a journey as we stepped through each phase of each ones memory of childhood.

    Now there was a time where growing up was transparent to say the least yet now we must provide strong examples of healthy male female relationships that others desire to exemplify, which is in essence of what we want them to see.

    I wanted a man at a time just like dear old dad, or to be sitting old like my grandparents enjoying every moment had.

    I just don’t want them to think it's not normal for females to interact.

    Everyone is going so far to the left that women seem to torture one another and that is just as harmful as the latter, and it’s just an awful way for women to act.

    So think it through. What are we teaching them to be. We lose more to that perceived because they get lost in the illusion of what the natural eye can’t see.

    Which is when women unite as sisters we can change reality we can uplift one another set the lost mind free. It is this very reason they separate us because they fear our unity, so they pit us against each other, they dread our harmony.  

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  5. It’s not about what they have when you meet them,

    It’s about what you can motivate them to be.

    Some others, a partner will do what is needed to keep them but that can't begin till we start,

    Some just need a glimpse of what can be and income and potential are true enemies.

    No, I ain't down for a mate that can't or won't pull his weight, but let’s keep it real,

    How many others really know how to elevate?

    I mean help others meet their goals. Help another excel no matter how old.

    How much doubt does it take to crush dreams?

    How many females are meeting broken brothers because no other female help them or just crushed their dreams, and a hustle is a hustle.

    I work 8 to 5, but my work is a hustle so they got two jobs to survive,

    We sell ourselves short when we lose compromise,

    and when Obama told Michelle he'd be in the White House someday,

    I see a woman that had to hold on tightly because that should have, as he is a black man had her running away.

    So yes, if they want what you got they will do what they must.

    A hustle or job it shouldn't matter to us.

    So yes is my answer. A friendship that begins with understanding and ends with love.

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  6. God I need others to see you in my very movement,

    please take who I am and replace it with who you intend me to be,

    I need your reflection. It’s your essence I need all others to see.

    Father please meet me every morning, please let me look upon your glory in the rising of the sun.

    When I open my eyes, let my ears be blessed to hear you in my morning song.  

    Send me into a favor filled day where your mercy is what is waiting as I step outside myself.

    God cover me in your grace, you are all; I don’t want anyone to see anything else.

    Lord be my comfort as I speak to everyone.

    Take my words and make words inviting soul to soul,

    Lord push me down so that you can bubble over, to walk as an example of your love is my greatest goal.

    Stand in the gap so that the deep trenches can be crossed.

    Lord give me wings so that I soar above ungodly thoughts.

    Please provide the answers to those questioning who you are.

    Lord I need you to move ahead of me so that I can follow where you lead.

    I am asking as your daughter because your love is what I need.

    I need to be obedient to your movement in my life.

    I just really want to be worthy,

    I want to be worth Jesus’s sacrifice. 

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    He called it a bribe.

    So what did he have on me?

    What information could he use that would have me thinking it a fair exchange.

    He wanted what I had but I didn’t know clearly what it was and his innocence he maintained,

    I couldn’t figure out in the complexity of that moment how I could ransom my soul,

    Considering I was in the dark and was thinking, I need to know what is that he knows.   

    The payoff seemed high for a puzzled incomplete,

    I was toying with my imagination when contemplation said you’re into deep.

    I stood at the entrance trying to understand how had I get myself in such a mess.

    The settlement he requested I thought was another part of the test.

    He was asking for my skills, which I share with, but a few,

    I keep asking question not sure of what he knew,

    I know that this isn’t funny, I hate these type of games.

    Just as I was about to give in, he called out a different name,


    Man, that is not me

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                    Curves touched pressed into mine, your hand slowly moving along the arch of my spine.


                    A tiny gap appears between my thighs, a twist of my lips; it is a glimpse of moments that have you asking why.


                    A pair of large breast pointed up toward the sky, silk wrapped mounds are the reflection of my hips in your eyes.


                    Caressing the back of the neck, the tasting of earlobes are a thought to reflect.


                    Exploring the essence of the whine as it create its own lyrics begging to not be alone,


                     Tongues intertwine to dance in one place as your hand venture into my secret space where the tune of my movements are as whimpers in the dark where the shadow of the moon 

                     tap the clit and the heart.


                    Climactic explosions of melodies made are the twirling of two areolas as the nipples displayed.


                    Pulling up on the waist as the body collides. The flinch to the jerk is the strike of ecstasy’s mind. 


                    then the spirit so provoked as to spin in space and the mind body and soul race back to that place where delights has them all begging for more.


                    Yet, the thoughts of the moment repeating its self keeps them unsure.


                    Did it happen? Was this foreplay real? Did you make love to my mind? it was so surreal.


                    This was my thoughts at just hello, makes a girl step back to consider for him how far she will go. You had me at hello. 


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  9. When we can compare oranges to apples we can rightfully compare women to men and it's not bad for women.


    The problem began when women not knowing her role tried to step into his role. 


    Women seek men stronger physically, but to compliment the man she maybe wiser it is how we even one another out. 


    It one of the mysteries women are trying to figure out.  

    Honor Your Wife as the Weaker Vessel

    1 Peter 3:7, Part 2

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  10. Submissive women first submit to God. When you belong to God and understand the concept of submission, it is easy because when you submit to your husbands you are submitting hopefully to the God in him, and you continue to walk in submission because of the God in you.

    You do not allow the world to alter your flow.

    Your movement is your truth and the truth tells the world who you are and ultimately who you belong to and that in and of itself helps you understand how deep submission goes.

    I move as the Queen, God made me to be, no matter how my King elects to step.

    I do this because I as a Queen knows how much he needs me.

    I stay in my lane and ask God to order my steps so my King a SON of the most high understands that my commitment is unmistakably concrete, unwavering, tangible and secure.

    Therefore, if you truly are walking in your feminine style you understand that to serve a man with a smile is just how we move. It be description is part of a woman’s allure

    He isn’t stronger than the God that I serve so he isn’t changing me.

    I serve him because it is who I am and I enjoy the woman God intended me to be.

    It's about whom we serve.

    My man, a son of God, represents my God, and doesn’t even understand why.

    Yet I know that submissive is what God called me to be. The example of what he requires of me.

    I want to be obedient. I submit to him because God’s word is my truth.

    So even if the man is not deserving in my mind God will always be deserving in my heart and I will always be true to God


    The weaker vessel



    The bible says females are the weaker vessel.

    My husband is 6'3, big dude. Yes at 5’6, I am weaker in many ways.

    I submit to his needs because I love him.

    I love all of him.

    His ups downs and side way exchanges.

    I love this man.

    So let me put this out there so you can understand.

    See I am his coach.

    He is my quarterback.

    I got his playbook.

    I stand on the sideline,

    Stepping up to the field when needed, but in the safety of the secure locker room that tackle is on me, or on that field in practice we run those plays.

    I am just as important but I am not getting on that field.

    I am his cheerleader when needed I am the one that will tighten his gears.

    I always and forever am watching his back.

    Just because I will not always be seen, what is important is he knows, where I am at.  

    I will pull him off the field in the mist of the game in my submissive way.

    I do not have to say a word, one raised eyebrow and I can break this man down, it will not make a move unless I have had my say.

    There is an art to it all, and submission has its place.

    He is my head but I own his heart.

    Being submissive is learning to play with submission as the God like deity that makes real femininity a true work of art.

    Do not get it twist doors are opened.

    I walk on the inside of the street.

    He pulls out chairs and orders when we eat.

    He is my man.

    My king, the man I adore and if stroking his ego makes him smile, I will do it in front of the entire world.

    Being submissive doesn't make you weak.

    It allow boys to become man that girl’s mommas want to meet.

    They have a responsibility just as we do.

    Yet his responsibility has little to do with you.

    It takes pure strength to do what God tells you too.

    This direction comes from God and yet stands true.



    The stride, the ride, the existence of the curvature of the spine.

    The dip, the crawl, the spin into the slide.

    The catch right before the fall, tossing the world to tumble into the trap, where the spin is the ending to the dance as the eyes bounce and the fingers curl and the tips of the toes are a gift to the world.

    The box trot that takes the tap, as jazz became each man’s picks of how she would describe her wish, which is where he found her standing at.

    The clap of hands, the bending of backs, the swirl into the sambo, a frontal attack.

    The jumping jacks while the melody unfolds and all engage in the poetic movement both young and old.

    The flexing of knees, extending of arms, touching of elbows while setting off alarms.

    No foul, no harm, no siting it out, in the movement the wallflower is not allowed.

    The elegance in the eyes of the silhouettes song where partners are graceful and oblivious to the perils of the rights that can go tenderly go wrong.

    The two step into the floss of time where rock was the music that settled young minds.

    The blues and rap where stripping thoughts away in the vibrant description that ease stressful day.

    The lifting of skirts and dropping of pants.

    The mambo a soulful movement designed to entrance.

    The bounce before we ignore caution as we play, because it’s in the movement we stay living and to be alive is the movements we make every day.

    Keep moving.

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    Coal, the doorway to the soul

    It only takes one match to ignites an infernos glow

    What is done is done to reach the fanatical domicile that fear controls

    What is left behind but ash like cinders that embrace the wind as it blows to and fro

    Kindling the energy that fuels and intensifies.

    Dry resources the catalyst that leave nothing to compromise.  

    Yet it is essential to contain the flames that blazes red dancing blue and gold in contrast to the jumping embers

    Yes there is beautiful in the mist of the scorch as it lay waste to unopened gifts that are the hangman’s noose called out as remorse

    Caution made friends with a destructive moment where the burn left eternal marks as evidence that cleanse the smoke cloud filled by memories that took the flicker by surprise

    Harmless is distant when escape is the seat that captivates with allure as the destructive purge that is the melody of the scald that had he mesmerized.

    The heat came only to wake she up, the choke from the smoke was but a signal to his dreams to please stand up.

    The cravings are courage-burning sleep to the ground and the spirit came to filter out doubt, your visions are calling you out, it is amidst the burn that the diamond is actually brought out.


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    Removing me from we isn’t us anymore,

    Removing you from us isn’t I without you,

    Removing direction and knowing the destination is like pounding peanuts that never turn to butter,

    It is an unnatural state of existence where love is misspelled and misguided.

    Love is jaded on the other side of authenticity, where we pretend to be something less than the cataclysmic change of reality where ice burns down the systematic structure that removed me from us,

    Where you removed you from me and me isn’t I anymore,

    They removed thoughts of tomorrow where darkness over takes the light and dimmer is not the shadow as it stands alone,

    It is the door closed, the shades drawn, the light bulb broken,

    Therefore, if you remove the source of us you lose the validity of you

    You are we because we negate inclusion when we desire to be free

    What is freedom, is it the alone me or the alone you when we were not intended to be alone

    We were born to connect,

    To be at the least two

    Which is at the minimum me and you.

  15. When I say I love you it is not to hear myself talking,

    when I say I love you it is a melody to my soul I don't need to Prevert I love you because loving you is what makes me whole.

    many think that because I love you. that I am attracted to your spirit.

    that I love your style.

    that I am tickled by your intellect.

    We should lessen our responsibility to God and that is the lie that has the world running wild.

    See I love women and I love men.

    I love everything that God created but God hates sin and I don't sleep with everyone I am attracted to.

    I was told by God to rightfully divide the words of truth and I'm not mad or angry but I'm sad because people don't know what to do,

    there is so much hate that when you finally feel what you think you've never had you want to quickly embrace it and you lose the intent and the purpose of Gods greatest creation.

     Then there is us those that knows what it means - no matter how it seems walk upright as queens and kings.

    there are those of us that aren't mad because you choose to turn your back on God.

    we're angry because you force what you do on us publicly and it's all a facade. 

    It's not real, it's not truth and can be seen in the fact that you can't reproduce,

    you can't give life,

    there's no future in it,

    your decision is killing destroy and stealing but its your choice to stand at death's door, its not mine I'm not here to judge you but don't force on me your life.

    your life choices, your decisions, you're right to be cruel.

    see you Call Us hateful because we ask you to play by our rules.

    we don't as heterosexuals force our life choices on you but you walk around like it's ok when you do what you do and my children and my grandchildren are seeing you now and they don't understand there's no room to be proud.

    it's your business and that's what it should remain your business your claim to Shame but you want to be famous you want to stand proud but don't take my dignity I shouldn't have to say any of this out loud.

    you should know better.

    its private.

    its your choice.

    it's yours, not mine

    stop pushing it on us.

    let us be proud

    Allow  us to sit back and shout loud I'm straight and I'm proud.

    many I love have taken that path but they respect who I am even though their choice make me sad.

    I love them in spite of whatever they do, but I don't want them promoting what I know in my heart is not true and I can sit and have dinner with them in a conversation can ensue but they don't force their selection.

    we respect the point of view.

    they don't walk in my home as anything but themselves because those that are truly doing in their heart what they feel they don't need to prove anything to the world because they are more then their sexuality or the choice in who they love.

    they might be misguided but God is the only way to know love.

    we are attracted to people that are similar to us,  and the problem is that many confuse attraction for love.

    Search out God, and the rest will be added unto you..

    it is remarkable what God can do.

    trust him.

    he has a mate for everyone and while people will be people and mistakes will be made the glory will go to God.

    these are testimonies so I'm not here to save you

    I'm just here to say please respect the heteralsexual. Let the movement begin so they understand the importance of living in a world where this would even be a conversation or debate


    can we all just let God in

  16. Just because I don’t tell you that I appreciate you every day, doesn’t mean I don’t


    Just because I don’t tap you, on your shoulder doesn’t mean you haven’t entered my mind,


    Just because I don’t call doesn’t mean I didn’t seriously mean to,




    I got caught up, weight down, side tracked, turned around, I got busy, and bombarded, I got lost in my chaotic world


    And the thoughts I had of you on that day and so many other days had me wanting to tap you on the shoulder, call to hear your voice or just have a moment that I could take to appreciate you,




    You are Important


     And I never want you to forget


    Have a blessed and prosperous day




    Peace and Love you







    Inner peace is a beast,

    her strength I don't understand, but I lift her up because she took my hand and sometimes when I'm in a slump her words are what lifts me up,

    she's my sister though she wasn't born in me I found her on some road and she became part of my tapestry,

    she became important because she made me important and even when I feel alone out here in this world on my own she understands what I'm going through because often she's going through something too I

    I know if I can find my way to her words it'll be okay,

    she says things to me that are true and that's not what many people do,

    she doesn't candy coat her words for me,

    she just tells me what I need and that's exactly what she sees.

    she's stronger than she even knows even though she walks with many woes and sometimes tears are in her eyes but her faith goes on,

    no compromise and I respect her for that because she is a friend, just like me she doesn't fake, it's reality,

    she doesn't just say what needs to be said, or try to protect my feelings,

    she encourges me to lift my head, because that's just her or at least that's her with me

    I appreciate who she is, and the way she lives, what she gives, the time she takes because she doesn't have to take the time to tell me that things will be fine.

    everyone says that to me and sometimes I can't believe even though we both go through we climb the mountain and find the truth.

    she takes the time, I appreciate her because she has her own problems but she listens and tells me what I need to know,

    i confide in her because I trust her,

    I trust the way she loves, how she lives and the lessons she has learned for me because I'm the sheltered and she has seen some things.

    I probably wouldn't ever see and I appreciate her, my Jen and juice, if I could have grown up with a sister I wish she could have been like you.......


  18. Kids kicked out the nest perhaps to soon so they are destine to be domed,

    A parents call in spite of it all being that I am far from an animal to attempt to help them avoid altogether the fall.

    So many of us had dreams cut short or fear the movement cause no one thought enough of us to cultivate our world beyond the enviable pain life applies.

    One lie, but we try, in spite the knock down we stand our ground, realizing that birthing a child doesn't make you a mother 

    Loving them in their pain when in earnestness the need you show them an example that welcomes true peace, not self pity, not blame, You allow them to grow, not throw them to the wind because of something you think you know

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  19. When did I lose my trust? in love?, in man?, in the state of the economy. It has never had any real love for me. It could never set me free. It is an illusion, better yet a falsity, not real to the ear, to hear, unclear, what you think, even unclear is how you place your trust in a man that does not understand or care, and then you a child of God complain unaware of the true state of affairs, 


    The questions from God, is how? do you dare?, you dare to compare my love for you to anything that man can do, is it the righteous voices that you hear that are clear to your ear and conjure up fear?


    He had a plan a long time ago, long be for office, or officers, this is a thing that every child of God should know. Worry the cancer that would pollute the mind and you on pins and needles trying to find a solution to a problem that doesn’t even exist, if it is not in God mind why ever visit it!   


    The gloom and doom of a nation gone mad, turning from bad to worse, it is so sad, for those who don’t know or have experienced his wrath, the influx of his measure pushed down running over, it’s for us who know him like an Irish man with a four leaf clover.


    I trust all he says and I look to the east because with the breath of his caring their  panic will cease to be and they will see what it is that we have always known that to be a child of God is to know he controls it all from his heavenly throne,


    It is to know he is here, that he cares and share in all that we need, to stand in his shadow, to bathe in his grace, to trust him and honor that place that we stay, we are not longing or waiting for the next word that is said, We are living our lives, knees hitting the floor before bodies hit the bed


    We are thanking and praising the dawning of days because it is the calm before the storm that’s the time to pray, a lost art, which laid foundations, where families were governed by God, prayer bound past generation, salutation, coming and going in peace, incomplete until the old and young meet, dancing and singing, praying with one voice, we raised up as God came, it was in our suffering we learned to rejoice


    Now a new day and a new dream where we forget that he is still king, He is still listening for our praises, always promising with every thought brighter better days, where prayers go up and blessing come down and nations take their knees to the ground, where families are freed by the choices they make and rage becomes malice that leads past the hate,


    You know it is the things that we hate that lead to change,  mothers against drunk driver sought another day and other groups have turn hurt into love, as simple as it seems it is the only way, to turn your ear to a word, seldom hear, but a thought none the less of God that promises only the best,  lean he say on him and he make your path straight, take us past the place where the politicians play, he has got the future is what he has to say,  like an echo in my heart I hear him speak to me, it is not what you gain that will set this world  free, no this place does not have love for you and as I feed the birds how much more for you my child will I do,


    Now there are those that wonder if it will be okay,  he says put your trust in him, he’s a sovereign God that way,  he has you, yes he has got you, in him there is no need he will not meet, he will answer all you question if you listen you’ll hear him speak,  slow down and listen to things his has to say,  fear not my children,   saying rest in me, I govern even when it seems they refuse to believe, nothing happens without his approval , nothing without his say, and if he allows it, it means it came to lift you up to brand new better place, according to his glory it all works for the good of those whose choice is to love him like each of us should, 


    Now is the time to find him alone and stand on the promise that guarantee home a place we are safe and free to believe that the problems of a nation can be solved on our knees,


    The questions from God, is how? do you dare?, you dare to compare my love for you to anything that man can do, Worrying like the cancer that would pollute the mind and you on pins and needles trying to find a solution to a problem that doesn’t even exist, if it is not in my mind (God) mind why ever visit it!   

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  20. Time is running into time. I am not sure if it is running in or out. I know It is moving as I am trying to get in but I think it is trying to leave me. Flashes of light pass me by, we sit quietly on the side lines trying to be polite. We think about the run but we fear the fight, and quite frankly we must understand that somethings are worth fighting for, and sometime we just need to face the fact that there is too much damage to repair and too much hurt to ignore. Gluttons for punishment, we describe what we see when we return to the scars barely able to breath, exhale, rapid breathing till your pale in the face, nowhere to run because time left you, you can’t win the race against time, she invited you, warned you, said keep up the pace, but you alas thought the short cut would give you the advantage today, but time and today have never been friends, time leaves day when the night begins, she doesn’t seem to stop to greet any of them, she just keeps moving with laughter as each moment ends. Time, hey time can I come to, I yelled why’d you invite me on this journey with you, and I guess it was to learn not to be so serious with time, it’s constant but there are instances that you have to get past that fine line, that fine line that has you questioning how long she’ll stay, has you reviewing regret, has you searching when you just need to pray, Time please slow down I beg these days, and when I was young I wasted you so, not weighting the cost and you don’t loop around for anyone once you’ve move pasted the moment the chance has been lost, and taking for granted something you think you have, something you can’t see but you can feel as it goes past, an essence that at time seems a friend but at others an enemy to the very end, time can be caution and sneak right in and other time it moves like the wind, a gust, a storm, a cloud moving in laughter like thunder and silence like the whispers that flicker in the embers of fire, time described for a journey to begin, Time I am ready Please let me in!




    I will be on Time…….. Prayed up

  21. Created in the image of he that created all

    The Goddess or deity stands in heaven’s halls,

    Making her way into places many fear to go,   

    Her desire for knowledge surpasses excellence,

    While her story remains untold

    Her experience is apparent, it is found in every facial fold,

    Her beauty defines her fortitude; your future is her Goal

    To see tomorrow’s child and watch their dreams unfold

    To understand the fight yet venture past the obviously unknown

    The Goddess is the spirit that mothers from afar, Who lifts the broken hearted and with love helps us to embrace the scars.

    She is in essence that voice that says it is okay, she allows us to breathe, she sees each of us as special, this just seems to be her way.

    She is the smile, the butterfly, the call from an old friend, the encouragement that we needed to press pass what we deemed the end.

    She is that gentle touch of God, the directions in the dark, she watches from afar, but resides in every heart.

    She is as divinity, one that cannot be explained, so she is titled the Goddess but she goes by many  names, some will call her mother, others see a friend many see a soldier, her names have no end, her attribute can be found in Proverbs 31, she as the deity is the wish each mother has for a son.

    Created in the image of he that created all,  the Goddess or deity stands in heaven’s halls.

    Making her way into places many fear to go. 

    Her desire for knowledge surpasses excellence.

    While her story remains untold.


    Genesis 1: 26 And God said let us make man in our image. Let them have Dominion over all

    (sickness, finance, relationship, ect, ect. Ect)

    27: So God created man in his own image, in the of God created he him, male and female he created them,

    (We are products of he that created us,  but how often we forget)   

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  22. Don't judge her, So many think they want to be me, I just want God to free me, because none of them really sees me, or they would believe in a enemy, and when you look at me what do you really see, do you see a stranger, I feel so much anger, it was caused by a decision gone bad. I thought it was a thing I needed to have, now I just feel sad. because it's all gone really bad, I tried to maneuver around it but nothing was clear in my mine then, she wasn't looking at me, she was searching for a friend then, she heard my heart hit the ground but she never even turned around, I was shouting real loud, I am here, but she lost me in the crowd, looking for the face in the mirror, the painted on smile of a girl who learned to fake it when she was but a child, I didn't dare wake her dreaming, it was the only time she seen me, behind some rose stained glasses, but she still walked passed me and a man in a heap lay dead on the street, the pile as my pain as he died in his shame, no one wants to know them. A toe tag is all that will own them, they fell in the battle, no illusions, no castle. just dripping and whaling, as we pray in our telling of choices gone wrong and promises dying, she still doesn't know me, the door open for me, my escape in the morning was the hope that tore me, would her children eat, or run in defeat, how can't you not know her, you coddled and clothed her, she called in tears when you dumped your fears here, you lay scared here, you spent some years here, but the eyes have changed with the price of fame, it happened when everyone forgot your name, you pick up the pieces begging God please release us, not contemplating the reason they gate us, communities jaded by demented minds, where they use the bars of sadness to do us harm, all because you can't see me, but you really want to be me, but without the struggle or pain but you still want the gain, you want the ride and castle the king and no hassle, you want to fore go the welfare line but no work, or food, you only think you'd be fine, you are not fine, you are not okay, see me a pile on the street, the crack head, or babies momma screaming can the children eat, don't walk pass me again, once a friend, luncheons , then the dope, drinking to cope, can you see me now, no new car or house in the sky, please tell me where was your pride, no hoe you died when you denied me, I can't believe you tried me, you shut your eyes when I walked by, a hasty decisions caused a head on collision, collateral damage, my heart hit the floor, no love at my door, just disgust at my selection, but when looking in the mirror girl it's your reflection, do you see me now, it's you,

  23. I am very disappointed in what women have subjected them too, what we as a gender consider tolerable, it’s in every encounter, in the very way that we move.


      It disgust me, leaves a foul taste in my mouth, because what they have done is neglected the truth, forgotten what doesn’t change is the so called golden rules,


     we are caught up and off by lies and deceit, by thinking it takes a man for a woman to be complete,  and I have said it before and I will say again, you don’t have to lower your standard or be a beneficial friend,


     Friends with benefits, it’s not conducive to the plan, he’ll fall short from his responsibility if you don’t require him to stand,


    Why do you need him to determine your worth, you were placed a solid spirit beautiful at birth,


    Why does the way he sees you make it okay, for you think or speak or move a certain way,


     you see we are powerful in our purpose and simply by design, created to help men find the strength to climb, to grow, to build, to set spirits free, we give them the joy that comes with their need,


    Their need for us, the air that they breathe, our definitive goal is to help them achieve, be the miracle that add detail to all they believe,


    we pick them up when they tumble, not  to critique their progress, accepting they’ll stumble, and out into reality we send them again, so they realize some  days we lose and others days we win,


    we move apart but together as one, like the melody and words or the rising of the sun, it’s the melding of spirits that make separate okay, that allow two complete aura to blend in a perfect way,


    but women that forget and lose that unique twist disappear in the loudness , where  the essence of a wife fails to exist, not there in the dark where they tolerate pain, where they lose what they believe to become a statistic in the game,


    where left becomes right and right is wrong and confusion is the vice that keeps her running into the disappointment, it’s yet another man’s arms, because he told her she couldn’t breathe without him when the fact of the matter is without her he cannot win


    he can’t embrace his future, he can’t wake to a dream, he was wandering a mist the madness, there is no king without a queen, she solidified his purpose, gave meaning to his plan, listened to his desires, so he would understand that he was not alone and never had to be, equal but unequal, This knowledge will set us free


    but not today, there is a struggle going on, purpose is not learned and woman tolerate what is wrong,  so can we return to our purpose, can that be the plan, can we be responsible and until we find that worthy one who will move within GOD’s plan

  24. Hello world, I am here,  it may not be significant to you, but it means the world to some, in spite of the dim sunrise my smile is attempting to be on display, We all should get up and  at the least feel that way,  there are arms waiting for us all, even when it does not appear that we are important to anyone, the truth we are more than important to someone because everyone is linked in one fashion or another, we are connected in a stare glare smile, or swear, we impact one another, we affect each other, we matter, we are important precious divine one of a kind gifts of light, embarking on a darkness that needs our presence to have a purpose, seems strange, but strange is far from what we bring to the table, we feel transparent, like we can be looked threw, we desire at times to walk like tomorrow will disappear into yesterday, well my yesterday was not yours to dismiss, I see you even when you think your silhouette is large enough to hide your hue, I still see the beauty in you,  your colors so filled with royal shades that they captivate to eyes that dare peer in your direction, your spirit contagious, your laughter so powerful its infectious, you are only limited by what you select to run from,  I will not run

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