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Everything posted by Liber8ion

  1. In the 1930’s, the Public Health Service—a US government entity working with the Tuskegee Institute—intentionally injected 399 African-Americans with syphilis. It goes without saying that they infected otherwise healthy African-American males with sexually transmitted diseases without their consent in the name of science. I would say this was a stain on the fabric of the American government, except this was not an outlier. Experimenting on US citizens is something that our government does as a norm. Fast-forward twenty years and the CIA developed a program that utilized LSD, yet again in the name of science. This time around, the US government used American and Canadian citizens as guinea pigs without bias to race or identity. Code named MK Ultra, the CIA literally doped up unsuspecting civilians with acid for close to two decades so they could gain a qualitative edge against the USSR in the Machiavellian world of state surveillance. I presented those two instances of our government playing the part of wolves preying on we the people for a reason. All authority apart from God should be questioned vehemently—this is especially true of governments—those who fail to apply these standards place themselves in the cross-hairs of people who get drunk from power. This is especially true in times of crises; whether it was our response to 9/11 when we attacked a nation that never attacked us or the “Great Recession”, which was really the Great Larceny, when the very criminals that bled the world economy were rewarded with trillions while their victims were told to eat cake. So when our government rushes through a supposed vaccine by Pfizer in less time than it takes a baby to go from conception to birth, all rational people should immediately question this rush to push an unscientifically tested “cure”. Except we live in a time where questioning media narratives is treated as either the work of Russian agents or lumped in with crazy conspiracy theorists. The very same media that...continued... READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://ghionjournal.com/poisoned-puddle-pfizer-and-the-rush-to-push-untested-cures/
  2. I write this article for the multitude of wild-eyed idealists who joined political campaigns thinking they could be a part of movement to deliver change only for their aspirations to be aborted by the established order. I especially write this missive on behalf of the legions of Obama volunteers who had their hopes dashed by the harsh realities of who the first black president became once he entered the White House. This issue is very personal for me. In 2008, I put all my hopes in Barack Obama only to witness in depressing fashion as my faith was returned with faithless cynicism. However, I am not alone in this bitter taste that has yet to leave my mouth; an acerbity that dances across my palate each time I hear Obama lecture us about the brokenness of our government that he was complicit in wrecking for eight years. As I’m writing this, I am mindful that there are countless thousands of Bernie supporters, Ron Paul loyalists and Howard Dean enthusiasts, to name a few, who also put all their chips in a politician only be hit with the snake eyes of the old guard. If there is one thing that is bipartisan in DC, it’s the way dreamers are used as stepping stools to advance the agendas of political insiders. My foray into the world of political organizing traces its roots to 2004 when I heard Obama give the “red state vs blue state” speech at the Democratic National Convention. I was marooned knee-deep in doldrums at the thought of John Kerry being the nominee and realizing that the Democrats seized yet another opportunity to miss an opportunity. My gloomy mood was lifted instantly when a man I never heard of—with a name that should have been a political non-starter back then—walked up to the podium and lit the convention hall and millions of living rooms around America on fire with his elocution. Like sirens luring unsuspecting sailors, Obama tapped into a deep desire that Americans had to get over the politics of division as he spoke from the mount of unity. Alas, as much as I swooned at his inspiring speech, the feeling of exuberance did not last too much longer as John Kerry got swift-boated and our hopes got torpedoed by Karl Rove. I swore off politics after that year; tired of Democrats fielding feckless candidates, I told myself that I was not going to bother anymore. I had just turned thirty, I did not want to waste my youth on a venal system that was domain of “old white men”. My swearing off did not last past the next election cycle; in 2008 I fell off the wagon and was pulled right back in by the same man who captured my imagination four years earlier. Initially I was hesitant, I did not want to commit to a “black” man knowing full well that the Democrats would find a way to pull the rug out from underneath him. However, as I observed his campaign—the more I listened to his speeches—I decided to stop being a passive observer and became an active “Obama foot soldiers”....continued... Trust me, this ain't that type of article, this is about accountability ....read full article here: https://ghionjournal.com/hope-lives-obama-loyalist-inclusive-justice/
  3. Imagine if I wrote an article about the Yellow Vest protestors in France and I quoted a professor from Kenya in the write up. Imagine if I was an anchor of a newscast and I had a segment about the conflict in Catalonia only to welcome an expert from Cameroon to present his views on that topic. Imagine if I hosted a TV show that covered the history of Irish people and I invited an analyst from Zimbabwe to offer insights on Ireland. I know there are some who chuckled at the thought of these things; a reaction wrought by the caste system of race that has conditioned us to place value on complexion above the complexity of people’s ideas. However, mainstream media outlets have no problem giving platforms to professors, experts and analysts from Europe and America to examine current events and news related to Africa as they willfully disregard all but a few token voices from the countries they dissect. These are the vestiges of colonialism that lives on through patronization. In theory, there should be no problem with the imagined scenarios I presented above; knowledge is not constrained by borders neither is understanding of a country the sole domain of those who live there. The problem is if I invite only non-native professional to assess the news and views of nations to the exclusion of those who reside there. The imagery is jarring; while Ethiopians, Kenyans, Nigerians and other nations throughout Africa are reduced to background props, pundits with lesser melamine are given spotlights to talk for us—this is nothing less than a vicious form of reductivism. Read full article at: https://ghionjournal.com/analyze-this-agenda-setting-or-intellectual-laziness/
  4. What's going no Pioneer, I'm actually the author of that piece above, and yes I'm from Ethiopia originally though, like the book "the Invisible Man", I've lived a dual existence for the past 39 years between an Ethiopian immigrant and experiencing some (not all) of the burdens felt by Afro-Americans.
  5. Hello Fam, I'm new to this group, I'm submitting this article below for discussion and to see where everyone's thoughts are on it. I'm quoting a couple of sections and then linking the full article at bottom. "For “black” Americans, the horrific scenarios I painted don’t have to be imagined, these are scars that are coded deep in their DNA. There is a reason I use the word “they” instead of “us”, as a first generation Ethiopian immigrant—even though I’ve experienced racism in my life—I can never really understand the burdens that African-Americans carry that have been passed down from generation to generation. Included in this anguish is having their identity stripped away and their existence being distilled to a color that doesn’t describe their shade and that was always meant to dehumanize people who can trace their lineage back to the continent of humanity’s birth." & "Sadly, instead of addressing the root causes of racism and the socioeconomic inequalities that are indenturing “black” people into a life of dependency, demagogues who profit from people’s misfortune insist on just manipulating our emotions. “Black” people are convinced by the liberal establishment that their enemies are “white” people and “white” people are likewise duped by conservatives into believing that “black” people are out to get them. Both sides triggering each other as pundits, politicians and media professionals laugh all the way to the bank as they get paid by the plutocrats who benefit from our dissension." Full article can be read at: https://ghionjournal.com/using-black-people-and-turning-their-pains-into-wedge-issues/
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