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Posts posted by Greg

  1. 14 minutes ago, ProfD said:

    The number of legal gun owners and the amount of firearms they possess outnumbers the entire black population in America. 😎

    The difference is legal white gun owners use them for self defense, illegal black gun owners use them to commit violence against BOTH whites and other blacks. Blacks are killed by blacks ! They are their own worst enemies.

  2. Are blacks just a bunch of puppets for fake compassion liberals both white and black? I think yes. Are we really that damn stupid and gullible? Look at the fake outrage and phony compassion at the hands of the left especially on cnn and msnbc. Do any of you actually believe they care about blacks? They spend half their time telling blacks they are victims and the other half spending all the money they make by telling blacks they are victims. They now moved on to asians and trans as well.

    You are all just a bunch of ignorant puppets and please dont think you are smart just because a few blacks use some BIG WORDS.

    So here you go:

    Low sat scores- You dont need to take the sat’s to get into college because you are a victim.

    low grade point average- you are a victim.

    violent crime- its not your fault, you are a victim.

    no impulse control- you are a victim.

    Having babies you cant take care of- you are a victim.

    They want us to embrace rap music and dress like thugs- its perpetuates our victimhood.


    THE TRUTH —-Many liberals are jewish and they feel they were singled out during nazi Germany. They never want to be singled out again so they control the media and CREATE MORE VICTIMS so they are’nt singled out again. Jews want to expand their homeland ( zionist interest) and they brain wash blacks with propaganda and use them like puppets. They use blacks to riot, commit violence, and create civil unrest. Jews look at themselves as the brains and blacks as brainless muscle to do their dirty work. Think about that ! Lets be real, many blacks dont like jews and jews know this. So why do jews create the appearance that they care about blacks? For all the aforementioned reasons. Jews need blacks to feel like victims. Behind closed doors they look at us as a bunch of ignorant neanderthals that use a couple big words every now and then. White Christians want to teach us to fish so we are fed for life. 

    Listen to the song “ master of puppets” by Metallica . Its not about jews but it fits though.

    Whats absolutely amazing is that Blacks continue to fall for this time and time again! Are we that stupid ! There are even some successful blacks that know the truth but because they line their pockets with cash, they keep quiet and keep the lie going. A lot of wealthy blacks know the truth and they keep quiet because they “be makin da money !”. 





  3. One thing BLACKS do NOT  need is more free stuff.  Reparations is another excuse to not work and get some more free stuff. Give me a break . Reparations is loser talk. 
    Erica Alexander is a total clown and a loser. Why would any of you listen to what she has to say, she is irrelevant and looking for more free stuff. Maybe she needs money to take care of some of her babies? Who knows!

    She is advocating laziness and free hand outs. That’s not a recipe for success. 
    Activist is a fancy way of saying you don’t want to work and you want some free stuff.

    Erica Alexander has no morals and will do anything for some money. Stay away from that parasite.

  4. 7 hours ago, Pioneer1 said:

    (but anybody can respond obviously.....)

    If it's true that Black people make up the majority of those who commit murders, commit hate crimes, drain the social services system, and have out of wedlock births.
    What is YOUR solution to this problem?

    Now that the problem has been pointed out.....if in 10 or 20 or 30 years you see it isn't improving...then what IS the solution?

    What do you think should be done with our community as  a whole?

    The solution is easy. Blacks children need to be raised in a structured environment with strong family values. Having out of wedlock babies at a young age deprives our children of that.  Why are young blacks roaming the streets, commiting crimes, not respecting teachers or the police? A single young mom with no father in the picture provides no structure. A young 19 or 20 year old cant take care of herself never mind a baby and in far too many cases, multiple babies from multiple men.

    If more blacks get married and have babies later in life and instill good values, you will see the majority of black problems disappear. You will also see that thug culture disappear as well. Most black father’s  wont let their teenage son’ leave the house with dreadlocks, baggy pants down to their knee’s and a bunch of tattoo’s. If a black father even thought his son had a gun he would get the ass kicking of a life time. Everything starts in the home. There are far too many “ george floyd”  type fathers in the black community today, That needs to end. Until then, the excuses will remain and violence and lawlessness in the black community will be in full force. White people are NOT the problem!

  5. 1 hour ago, ProfD said:

    There will be a rise in the number of babies among poor unwed white women if/when abortion becomes illegal. 😎

    Abortion wont be illegal, it will be left to the states. There are more abirtion clinics/ planned paren hoods in black neighbirhoods. 
    the out of wedlock issue is a deliberate action blacks seem to make, its a cultural flaw in our very irresepinsible culture.

  6. 6 hours ago, Cynique said:

    @GregThe broken record you won't take off the turntable is deteriorating into static.  Furthermore, you are so insulated in what you consider a perfect life, that you actually believe that all problems have viable solutions and that logistics play no role in regulating human behavior. Also, although talk is cheap your words are no bargain. They are counterfeit.


    Be advised that social services are an industry. What the bottom half of society does, is create employment for those who work for the agencies and charities that minister to the indigent and downtrodden - and well coiffed, beautifully manicured baby mamas. Whatever. Welfare doesn't cost the nation nearly as much as the military industrial complex nor the tax breaks corporate America benefits from.  A good conservative Republican mouth piece like you should appreciate the well-oiled coordination between the haves and the have-nots that keep this Capitalistic country running. Since you are so deep into shaming, you should focus on other areas of society that reek with white collar disgrace and corruption. But apparently your assignment is to stick to the script, and continue to hammer away at what a liability blacks are to the nation that has contributed to what many of them have become.


    Your lectures and reprimands accomplish nothing. You're not telling blacks anything that we don't already know. The problems remain because we are not miracle workers. And you, in your role of a conservative lackey, are a part of the problem, not the solution.

    Im not telling anything blacks dont already know? Thats the damn point ! They still do it !

  7. What I say is true and our community continues to make the same excuses as everyone else no matter how many hardships they have , they keep passing us by economically amd socially. We earned the title of being the worlds most irresponsible/ missing in action fathers. Most black men are fathers in name only.

    why is almost 75% of our black children born out of wedlock ??? why? Its an embarrassment ! Black women need to share the blame as well as they earned a very undesirable title that I dont want to get into.
    Everyone else seems to get it together but are we too Lazy and ignorant to provide our children with structure and stability ? Are we to ignorant to know that having a baby at 18,19, 20 years old is extremely irrespinsible amd selfish?

    guess what? The American Tax Payers are the surrogate fathers of our children. No 18,19,20 year old black girl can provide structure and stability by herself, thats for sure. You all know damn well the tax payers are providing for those kids with entitlements.

    Blacks should send Fathers Day cards to the american tax payer.

  8. White Christians forgive the black terrorist that shot all those innocent people in the terrorist/ racist subway attack as well as the blacks racist that brutally stabbed a jewish rabbi in Ny last year. White Christians and jews also forgive the black man and black woman that shot up and killed innocent jewish people inside a jewish deli in New Jersey last year( it was a brutal assault). White Christians also forgive the black racist terrorist that drove a truck through a crowd of innocent people in wisconsin, it was straight from an ISIS playbook.
     White Christians also forgive all the black thugs that terrorize our communities and all the black thugs that destroyed and terrorized our communities during the george floyd riots that lasted 3 months.

  9. White demons??? Are you kidding.  Blacks are great at killing each other, you dont need whites to do that. Remember, it was brave WHITE MEN from the north that freed the slaves. It was brave WHITE MEN that won world war 2 and defeating nazi germany. It was the intelligent white man that came up with all world changing inventions. You owe your life to White people.

    If blacks never came to America, can you imagine how horrible your life in africa would be today !!!

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