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Posts posted by careycarey

  1. smile.gif"clear vision and opinion is so hard to find"

    I believe that's one of my biggest pet peeves. I mean, without a clear vision, most opinions are nothing more than popular opinion. I've come to believe that most people have an entenched fear of not being liked/loved, so they adopt a view that's so ambiguous that it includes everything and garners the smiles of everyone.

    "If it were another time and place"

    Please, don't get me started. I wish I had nine lives. You mentioned theater, I love the theater! I saw a few in New York. I'd pick you up and we'd do the town. I believe Denzel is doing "Fences". That would be our first stop.

    Yes, nine lives would be great. Heck, I think I've already lived 7.

    I've had the oppurtunity to be around the almost very rich, the very poor and the not so poor. I've been up and I've been locked up. I am a black man that has lived in a white state. I've sat @ bars in Hong Kong and Thailand and a few gut bucket hole-in-the-walls. I've drank the best Cognac and I've tipped a few jelly jaws filled with stump-hole (moonshine, that will stomp a hole in your a$$).

    I've worn an afro and bell bottom pants and elephant pants. A Jeri curl was my claim to fame. I've worn patent leather shoes with gold tips that forced me to walk with a cool dip.

    I've twisted a few joints and kissed the poppy and the cocoa leaf too.

    I've kissed a few gorgeous women and a couple of pigs.

    I've seen men get shot, and death in my house.

    I've coached track and little league. One young man went on to get an Olympic Gold Medal.


    What About A Time Called Now!?

    In a few weeks, I am going to the Essence Festival in New Orleans.

    So my long time Soul Sister, it's never to late, but we don't have much time... call me biggrin.gif

    I am off to grind my own coffee. Starbucks ain't got nothin' on this house.

  2. Look out now! My Soulful Sister The Soul Sister... whatsup girl. Long time no see.

    Over the top you say? Well, all I can say is thank you! That's what I do. I look over the fence to see what other folks are not saying.

    But really, the movie is almost exactly like I mentioned. I mean, I took a few artistic liberties but I didn't change the plot nor the action. But if Yaphet Kotto doesn't look like Shrek, I'll kiss (you know) and I don't know you that well *lol*

  3. Shrek Is A Black Man: The Prince Yaphet Kotto. The grandson of King Alexander Bell, ruler of Cameroon. Come on now, look at that nose and those teeth, that's Shrek!{photo} Okay, need more proof? What, you're not convinced? Follow me.

    ***See all photos at blog***

    See, in the movie, Shrek hung out with two other brown skinned men. Yep, Antonio Banderas.....{photo}

    And, Eddie Murphy.{photo}

    Of course they had to be a donkey and a cat. You know, a jackass and a kissin' boots. And Eddie was married to a big fat red woman with a bunch of babies. For real, did you see the picture? On top of that, ol'kissin' boots turned against Eddie and Yaphet. Yep, later in the movie, he was all up in the behind of the evil white man. I kid you not... you gotta see the movie.

    Oh, Yaphet Kotto is a real prince and he studied acting in New York. Now, did you know (probably not) that his first role was that of Othello? Stay with me now. His first role on Broadway was in the Great White Hope! Bingo baby, white women in the house. And who was Shrek married to... a fat white women. And who is Yaphat married to?

    Look, Shrek and his family lived in the ghetto. Sure did, and his wife's parents were rich (I'll get back to that). Anyway, just as with the aftermath of Katrina, when all the white folks drove by the destruction in tour buses, Shrek and his family had to endure the same humiliation. One time he was taking a crap in his out-house (yes out-house) and the thing fell over. Well, the white men on the bus covered the eyes of the giggling white women. In the voice of Forrest Gump... That's all I am going to say about that. Shrek is a black man.

    But check this, I knew Shrek was black when his wife's mother and white father were willing to give up their whole kingdom to keep her away from this big black mandingo. See, earlier in the picture, before Shrek married his princess, the parents went to this evil white man to cut a deal. Shrek had been sniffing around their daughter's penthouse and they couldn't have that. So they asked this evil sorcerer for a little help. Now Shrek's nose was wide open. He loved him some pink toe, and thus, he wasn't having it. So he went to work.

    **warning time** If you have not seen the movie, you might want to look away. I mean, I don't want to spoil the ending. Okay, here we go.

    With the aid of a bunch of white witches (**coughcough** ) the evil little white man managed to uproot Shreks future wife. But Shrek wasn't no punk, so he went out to find his Miss Thang. Well, they say if a woman goes black, she can't go back, well, he found her in the ghetto with a gang of large ugly brothas. This was the part that made me sad. His girl, Feona, didn't love him no mo'. The movie didn't disclose rather or not Jodie got the girl and was gone, but, she no longer had a twinkle in her eye for the black man named Shrek.

    This pissed off Eddie Murphy and Antonio Banderas. Who can forget some of Eddie's relationship woes? So Eddie grew a pair of balls and Antonio (not Hall)took off his fag clothes (yep, the white man had turned him out). He took off his pussin' boot and replaced them with his kickin' ass boots. Then, along with Shrek, they all went down to the hood to join Feona's gang. Although Shrek was still hurting from his woman's cold approach, he was determined to regain her heart.

    When they arrived back at the hood, the gang was under attack from the white wizard (who looked like a lizard) and his gang of *itches. The women were actually witches with flying brooms and pointed hats, but they were some nasty thangs. Anyway, the ending made me stand up and cheer. They took the fight to the lizard's castle.

    Remember Eddie's big fat red wife, the dragon lady (she was a dragon) she also joined in the war against the white pimp and his witches. When I cocked my 3D glasses at just he right angle, I could hear her saying "He may be black, and he may be a donkey, but that's my Ni**a, so you *itches better move around!". Man, she shot fire all through that joint.

    I can't tell you the ending, that wouldn't be right. But you have to go see it. I loved the whole movie and the 3D affect. And I love seeing black people on the screen. Now, don't tell nobody but Shrek is a black man that goes by the name Yaphet Kotto. But if you have to, tell all your friends were you got the good news. Tell them you got it from the Ghetto Critic, CareyCarey. *smile*

    See full photos here: http://careycarey-ca...phet-kotto.html

  4. [Cynique]: "Carey. WHO ever called YOU a "self-hater"?"

    Excuse me, and who said anyone called me a "self-hater". If that was your way of trying to engage me in further debate... I am here. But look, I was just talking in general terms.

    [Cynique]: "Now all of sudden YOU are calling this "self-hate" label tomfoolery when YOU have used this term yourself in connection with people who YOU consider to be uncle toms. Talk about BS. You're full of it"

    Not! please go find a statement of mine in which I called someone a "self-hater! Please, I'll wait. But don't make your move too soon, because you will NOT find it. I may have called someone an uncle tom, and you a tomette, but never a self-hater. If by chance you do find something that mimmicks those words, it was probably in reply to someone that said something about "themsevles" and not a statement about the woes of the black state of affairs. I challenge you, but I doubt that you will back up your words. You have a propensity to run and hide from the truth. And, you never (in your 10 years of doing this) have shown the courage to say... I was wrong or I may have mis-spoken. Nope, you can't do it.

    But lets make no mistake about it, you ARE a hater (imo). See Cynique, unfortunityly you will not agree, but again, you've shown your weakness as an effective debator, because you leave too many holes in your game, by giving your opinion and trying to render them as facts. Then you seem to get frustrated when someone calls you on that BS, and then you resort to name calling. Your thang is weak. And you are A DYED FRIED, CARD CARRYING HATER! Raise your hand and take a bow.

  5. Now that was a great post, Xeon! You said it all right here....> "“You hate yourself because you don’t agree with me! You don’t want to be black because….because what you believe stands contrary to what I believe. So, ya know…..you hate yourself.” End of subject"

    I mean, i need someone to tell ME, how I hate myself because my opinion differs from theirs. If I were destroying/changing my physical features to look like another race, then we'd have something to talk about. The rest of this self-hate tomfoolery is just that, bullshit with a capital B-BULLSH*T!

  6. #98 semi-literate ignoramous


    And you let a semi-literate get yo' panties all in a bunch.

    You don't have to agree with me, nor do I want you to, but damn, why don't you try using facts instead of presenting your opinion as such?!!!

    Some little kids might be listening. They may assume that since you are old and have a spell-check, that your porous and self-serving opinions are facts. Consequently, you could be charged with child endangerment.

  7. "But declaring that those who criticize Obama are black self-haters and then to follow this by saying that those who criticize Al Sharpton are black self-haters really muddies the picture"

    This whole argument was a muddy mess! Cynique's original post was nothing more than her usual baseless opinion. To even begin to debate her "setup" would (imo) be an act of self-hatred. I person would have to hate "themselves" to go through that pain. I wish Cynique would stick with facts.

    However, I believe Troy cleaned up her muddy mess with..... "As the term is applied to Black folks; it typically refers to people who behave or believe things that are not in the best interest of Black people"

    [Cynique] "Supporting the president unconditionally because “white people are just out to get him“ is a priority for the self-loving black person"

    See what I mean? That statement is a joke. I mean, where's the meat, where's the facts? It appears as if she tried to clean up her ariginal mess with mo' mess. Isn't that akin to telling a lie to support another lie?

  8. Is that right?

    Lets see, were is my list... oh, #97 a deluded neanderthal, # 98 ol jive nigga.

    [Cyn-Cyn]: " I tell you to stfu because arguing with you is a waste of time, and insufferable bores like you do tend to interfere with my comfort"

    biggrin.gifIs that right?

    Well, now we've reached an agreement because you keep coming back. Comfort aside, you must be learning something.

    It looks like my job is complete, and/or another love TKO. Until next time......

  9. "You don't HAVE to do shit. Keep you unsolicited views to yourself and I'll do the same. If I do decide to respond to any of your "assertions", unlike you, I will be fully prepared to take as good as I give"

    OH really! Settle down grandmama. Did you just say that you would keep your unsolicited views to yourself? See, that's a perfect example of you running around the mulberry bush. You say one thing, yet, do the exactly opposite. And, although you SAY you take as good as you get, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Besides, is not an open board a place for people to express their unsolicited views? Look, although I am not a doctor, I believe I know the core of your problem. You may profess to be a deep thinker, and are oh so quick to label others as less than, but you really do not like being required to think outside of your comfort zone. You re very good at saying "STFU" or other forms of defensive posturing when you have to support one of your weak arguments, however, your frustrations speaks more to a non-thinker than a deep thinker.

    But I understand you. You may be old but you have not reached a point in your life in which you are comfortable saying 4 easy phrases. Without such, you will never be able to use your brain to a point that someone would consider you as a deep thinker. Your emotions will always keep YOU from saying the following:

    I Don't know!

    I was wrong!

    I am sorry!

    I love you!

    See Cynique, without the emotional stability (maturity), to say those words, a person will never move beyound themselves. And thus, will be left with a belief that they have all the answers, which does not require that person to "think" deep. Actually, they may even know they do not know the whole truth. Nevertheless, they will withdraw to their own frame of reference. To say "I don't know" or "I was wrong", does not leave comfortable feelings. They tend to leave most humans with a sense of being vulnerable, which, as you know, is a very scary place.

    YOU, my dear, are the perfect example of the above individual.

    Say it loud, like you're old, black and proud! Say.... STFU, Carey, you old slippery snake. cool.gif Or, don't say it, because see, I've already said, I understand YOU.

  10. "You do a great job of living up to the names I give you"

    Is that right? Well Cynique, since we are moving toward #100, I am looking for a name that would describe a person that has the patience to put up with your mess. I mean, that person would have to tolerate all of your name calling and hatin' ways. And, that's only the tip of the iceberg. I mean, what name fits a person that could chase you around this board as you conveniently lose your memory? Huh... tell me that.

  11. Let me see... where is my list of names? Oh, here it is... Lame Brain #92, Jail bird #93, Blabber Mouth #93, Old Refrigerator #94, Slippery Con Man jumps in at #95, Dummy slids in at #96. Dang Cynique, that's about 10 new words for every year that you've been calling me names. I can't wait for #100. That should be a duzy!

    The Bulls were tickled pink to even be in the playoffs. I see why they were all smiles. But lets see the look on The Thrilla Gorilla's face after this next series.

  12. NO! Cyniques change-up in mid stream? Watch it Chris, Cynique will take you out of her Fab 5. I mean, don't even think about going into the archieves to put her in check. Yes, she has jumped the fence on this one.

    Cynique, If you spent as much time watching what you say, as you do correcting my spelling, you'd be a better debator.

    See, these are not my words... "He says people who congratulate their opponents and acknowledge that they were outplayed are just BS-ing. He's too ignorant to perceive this as being a good sport; putting aside your disappointment by being gracious"

    These are my words... "Sure, many get in front of the mic and say some cookie cutter ass sh*t, but most see that as nothing more than fake ass BS"

    Now tell me Ms Cynique, do you see the qualifier in my statement? I did not say ALL "congratulations". Your brand of magic might work in a class of 2nd graders.

    You have a propensity to make statements that beg for more clarification. Case in point, the following is not true... "All of the question he posed to me, were answered in the post he was responding to but his befuddled mind can't sort this out. He has to try and re-configure and distort the scenarios to substantiate his flawed arguments"

    You DID NOT answer all the questions. You made a few general statements. You are yet to give us a specific event in which Tiger displayed the attitudes you've mentioned. I mean, I don't want to hear "he was mad at the masters, or he pumped his fist @ the PGA championship". Those types of comments are too broad. Example: Coach Ryan, of the NY Jets, was approached by a reporter on January 12th, while on vacation in New Orleans. Ryan was leaving a bar in the French Quarters, when the reporter asked him a personal question that Ryan didn't agree with. The verbose coach shoved the report and gave him the finger. The entire conversation was caught on tape. The following words have lead to Ryan's suspension... "If you don't get that fu*king camera out of my face..."

    While you are mulling over your reply, could you correct a few of my misspelled words wink.gif

  13. *LOL* @ Chris, you crack me up!

    But what exactly are you saying by making references to those pimps, playas, and part time movie stars? I've heard that pimpin' ain't easy, and playing around can get a person in trouble, but what are you saying, and how does that apply to me? dry.gif

    CAVS.... NO WAY! But now we can talk about a poor sport, and a cry baby... Les Bron Thron, the verbose showoff, and the forever also-ran.

  14. *LOL* @ "laying some serious pipe"... What you talkin' bout Willis. Troy, as I look at that younger picture of you, I am left to wonder if that afro got messed up when you were laying serious pipe :lol: I mean, were you left with enough energy to comb that Fro? Let alone do a hand stand on the parallel bars. Btw, what exactly is laying pipe? I mean, is that some kind of construction work? ;)

    Okay, I understand this... "but from what I've heard in the media Tiger has a repurtation for the behavior he describes".

    However, what exactly is that behavior, and again, you said it, much of it is media hype. To sulk after a match is common to all atheletes. Who wants to answer questions after a grueling defeat. Sure, many get in front of the mic and say some cookie cutter ass sh*t, but most see that as nothing more than fake ass BS.

    But lets look at the other side of this. When have you, or anyone, seen Tiger parade around after a victory or down other golfers by popping his collar, or getting in the face of his opponents, as many basketball and football players often do?

  15. Yes Troy, I do have the source video. After reading your reply to Xeon, I tried to post as you just did but obviously I did something wrong. I think this format only allows one "image/video" per post?

    The problem with linking from this site, is that it drops this board. So I understand, and agree that it's easier and more convenient for all, if the video can be viewed right here. And (I don't know) I believe all the little clips can still be viewed (after hitting the first one) without leaving this page?

    Your question about the source video?

  16. Cynique, again I have to agree with Xeon. I mean, you obviously do not watch many sporting events. If you asked 1000 sports fans to give you fifty names of sports figures that display the attitude that you've misquidedly laid on Tiger, I doubt if his name would leave their mouth.

    Pumping of his fist is nothing. Have you seen golfers jump in a nearby pond? I have. Have you seen golfers break their golf clubs on a nearby tree or throw them in the forest... I have. How about kicking their ball off the green? Have you seen golfers run completely around a green after making a shot or winning a championship... I have. And Tiger has never done any of that.

    Admit it, you're just a Tiger hater, because you know very little about golf or human emotions. Tell me, do you do a jig when you lose @ your Internet card games? Have you ever participated in any form of high level competition? I mean, do you smile or leap with joy when you're not the victor? I know one thing for sure... you do not display the character of a person that loses gracefully. How do you act when you win? Do you drop to the floor and do 50 push-ups?

    So, I am going to repeat Xeon question. Give us one specific event in which Tiger displayed emotions that were far beyound the normal emotions of a person that has lost a major event or won a major championship.

    I believe you are really reaching on this one. Of all the things you've said over the years, this nonsense is at the top of your blopper list.

  17. Hey Carey, you know I always put your videos on the 'other' board, lol!!!

    p.s. Did you see that Funeral movie with Tracey Morgan, I didn't wanna see that one?

    I might see Iron Man 2, next. I am looking 4ward 2 who will win RuPaul's Drag Race 2nite, Tyra or Raven 4 sure! :P

    Just heard Kem's new song, gotta get it, fabulous!!!! GO Cavalier's and Hawks! ;)

    Well, if you are being truthful, those racist over there are probably using them for target practice.

    No, I am yet to see the funeral movie. See, I loved the "white" version. I mean, this is a remake, and I doubt it can capture (for me) the same enjoyment. The suspense is gone. But, I do plan on seeing it. I love Tracy Morgan, Chris Rock, Danny Glover and the whole cast. I just had a few concerns.

    Now you know there is no way I have anything to do with Rupaul, Tyra or Raven. I do listen to Kem, and do not have the latest. Hey, did you pop for the $200 to see Maxwell?

    Congrats on your winnings.

    LAKERS..... all the way.

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