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harry brown

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Everything posted by harry brown

  1. In My Daddy's Arms I Am Tall, Fatherhood With Humour ,Honor And Grace. Book By Javaka Steptoe...
  2. Bill Cosby Trial,If Convicted He Might Get 10, Years News Says. Cosby Is 79 .Over 40. Women .With Sexual .Assault Claims,He Drugged Them...I See On The News Clemson Football Team,Met Hitler Trump. Black .Clemson Players Were Told To Go To. The Whitehouse,Black Players Knowing Trump. Is Racist. Chains Still On Black Men .In Sports College And Pros..They Were Happy. And Proud . If The Black .Clemson,Football Players Were Told To. Wave The Confederate,Flag,They Probably Would Have...
  3. Former NBA Champion With The Chicago Bulls,Craig Hodges,Been. Involved In Equal. Rights For African Americans..His Book. Called Long Shot...
  4. State Of Black .America Summit Was On Last Week. Saw,Some -Of It..Wonder Did They .Talk About Black Police Being -Silent,Knowing White Police Have Been Fired For Being -KKK,Klan Members? Black Preachers Stealing Church -Money,To Buy Mansions And Rich .Cars,Instead Of Uplifting -,Poor Communities. Church Money Should Be For Taking Care, Of,The Church,Charitable In Communities,Help -.Start,Black,Businesses ,Scholarships In Poor -Communities..Corrupt Preachers Worship Money...Black -Men,Having Multiple Children With Multiple Women Black -Women,Having .Children With Irresponsible Men. Street -Gangs,Genociding Their Own People. Hundreds Dead In -.Chicago,Because Of Gangs,Lot Of Those Children ,Last -Year..Black Politicians,Preachers,NAACP .Men Should Find -,The Time To Mentor .And Teach Black Boys Before High -School,If Not Black Support For Them Should Stop....
  5. Basket Ball ,LeBron James Says The Word Nigger, -Was,On,The,Gate Of His House. News Says Word Nigger -,Was,,Spray Painted On. The Gate Of LeBron James -House..Lebron James Says This Country Has A Long -Way,To,Go,. Racism. For Black People Is Living Every Day..He -,Talked About Emit Till. Emit Till Mother Wanted The World -To,See What Racial .Hatred Did To Her Son .Bill Cosby -Trial,Starts This Month. Jury Selected Cosby Lawyers And -The,Prosecution Clashed Over Jury. 2 Black And 10 -White,Cosby Says Race A Factor. Almost 60 Women -Accuses,Cosby Of Sexual Assault. They Expect Trial To Last,2 -Weeks. I Have Said The White Racist Was Start Going After -The,Black Rich Athletes One Day...
  6. Black. America Communities Respect And Reflect Our Black -War Veterans..I Think .Black Soldiers Have Been, In, All. This -Countries -Wars,.The Revolutionary War,Civil. War, Spanish -.American .War, ,Wars Fought In This Country. Fighting For Civil --.Rights,Was And Still. Is A Battle. Black Soldiers In Wars -In,Foreign Lands, Korean,Vietnam. And The Middle -East..Black,Soldiers Helping .People In Other Countries -Have,Freedom. Black Soldiers Know Their Own .People,Do,Not --Have Freedom. And Liberty ,In Their Own Country. Cemeteries --,In Black Communities And Arlington Cemetery Black -People,Show Respect For Our Black Soldiers In Military -War,And Civil. Rights Battles...
  7. Black Women In Mississippi ,Plan To Sue The State Of --,Mississippi Because Of Poor School. Conditions .Think -The,School Their Children Go To Is Majority Black. They,Need --,Toilet Paper ,Paper Towels,Among Other Things,Also --.Experienced Teachers. Also In Mississippi, 3 Black. Male _-,Teenagers Murder A 6 Year Old Black Boy .I Said Black -People Help Racist White With Black Genocide .. The -Idiot,Speaks Again. Dr. Ben Carson Says Poverty Is A State Of -Mind. Has The Housing Secretary Done Anything Yet?Visiting,Poor Communities And Poor Schools?No..
  8. Buffalo Soldiers Formed In 1866.Black Army Units Became ,Known As Buffalo Soldiers. They Became Known .For - Their,Fortitude And Courage .During The Spanish -American,War In 1898 ,Buffalo. Soldiers Among The First -Units,To Cuba. Website Says. Close To Memorial -Day,Several,Books About The Buffalo Soldiers...
  9. Black College Bowie State Student And ROTC Cadet Was -Stabbed To .Death By A Neo Nazi .In Maryland..The -Trash,Murderer Had A Nazi Website,Online ,.. The ,Murderer -Has Been. Arrested. Black College Student And Cadet, Was To -.Graduate On Tuesday..The Idiot President,FBI,Talks About -ISIS. The Neo Nazi KKK,Is The Terrorist ,We Should Be -Concerned About..San francisco ,White,Police Likes To Call -Black People Niggers,,,Neo,Nazi,Are In Politics,Military ,Police. and At Colleges. They. Want A Race,War..The F B I Will -Not .Get,On The News And Talk .About White Police Being -.Neo,Nazi Klan. Members....
  10. Envision. As I Begin .To Describe. Forgotten. Black. History -Horror Of Jesse Washington Burned Alive.. It. Was 1916 --,Beneath, A Waco ,Texas Sun. When The Lynching Of Black, Teenager Jesse Washington Had Begun .He Was Found Guilty -_----Of Raping,Killing. A White Woman,Demon White Mob -Dragged Jesse Washington. Out Of The Courtroom Naked,,They -Cut Off,His Penis And Fingers. For .Him ,They Built A -Bonfire..The Torturing And Burning .Of Jesse Washington Went -On For Two,Hours. Many Children Among The 10,000 -Spectators..Like,Jackals, Morbid Hyenas, White Demon -.Crowd,Laughed And Jumped About. As Jesse -Washington,From, The Burning Pain,Did Cry And Shout..Then -The White Demons Dragged Jesse Washington's Torso -Through The Streets,As The White Demon Crowds Did Cheer. As Jesse Washington Torso. Was Cut Up And Sold As -Souvenirs ..If There Is A Evil Beast. Or Creature Called The ,Devil..The White Man's Evil Is More Evil Than The Devil's ..,.
  11. This Is A Pointless Topic. For The Black .Sheep,Who --.Follow,Corrupt Preachers,It Says In 1 Timothy 3:3 .In. -Choosing -A Church Leader,He Should Be Gentle,Not Violent -And Sober..Black .Preachers Beat Their Wives,3 Have Killed -Their Wives,They Have Children With Mistresses ,And Are -Motivated By Money..They Are Women Preachers Some Are As --,Corrupt As The The Men. They Buy Mansions And Cars -Instead Of Uplifting Communities. Black People Are Spiritually -Enslaved .Another Reason Black .Communities Are The Way -They Are..Most Preachers Should Not Speak Dr. Martin. Luther King Name....I'm. Not Religious ,,Preachers Have Control Of -Their Flock Like Jim Jones Had Over His Years Ago..Amazing..
  12. Best Wishes,Respect For All The Black -Mothers,Grandmothers,Aunts, On Mothers Day..It Has Been -Said That Black Women .Are The Strength Of,The Black -Community...Extra Respect For Black Mothers Raising Children -Alone And For Black .Mothers Grieving Over their Sons --,Murdered By Nazi Terrorist Police And Street Gangs...I Think --,Cynique Is A Mother And Grandmother..A Perfect Song For -Black Mothers And Girls Is Black Pearl,By Sonny Charles -And,The Checkmates.....
  13. Black Mothers Day, Black Mothers Day..Many Cards,Gifts And -Flowers For You On Display..For Them. We Demonstrate -Love,And Affection..Showing Our Love And -Appreciation..Their,Guiding Us,Education Not An Option,Strive -To Succeed.. Knowledge Should Be A Growing Need. Teaching- -Us,As We Are Growing And When We Are. Grown. Extra -Appreciation For Mothers Raising Children Alone..Our -Mothers,,Giving Us Inspiration..To Have Them As -Mothers,Is,Truly .A Blessing...
  14. Black Girl Dreaming. Poems About A Child's Place In The World ,..Book By Jacqueline Woodson.
  15. At Bethune-Cookman Graduation ,Graduates -Booed,The,Education Secretary ..Why Was She Asked To --,,Speak? She Is A Idiot Like Idiot President Trump. President-Trump Has Done Enough To Be Impeached. The Racist U ..S,Attorney General ,Wants To Give Maximum , Time To -Non,Violent Criminals,. Being Racist That Means Black Males..
  16. Mothers Day, Standing By Her Grave,Memories ,Remembering..Joy They Are Bringing..Her Favorite Flowers,Upon Her Grave Is Placed. Remembering Her Smile,And Loving Embrace...She Had A Heart That Did,Understand.. Always Having A Guiding Hand..Teaching,Wrong And Right. Within ,Her Spirit Shined,Like,The Sun Bright..Wiping Away Tears. Whenever There Were Fears...Giving Words,Of,Knowledge,Wisdom And Advice,Always Inspiring ..To Have Had Her As A Mother Was A,Blessing...
  17. The Youngest Marcher Is About 9 Year Old Audrey Faye Hendricks. Audrey Faye Hendricks Was The Youngest -Child,Known To Be Arrested In The Civil Rights Marching --,In,Birmingham , In 1963....
  18. 15- Year Old Jordan .Edwards Was Murdered By A -Trash,White,Police Officer In .Texas..He Was With His 2 -Brothers And Friends ,When The Trash White Police -Officer,Was,Shooting At Them. Amazing They All Were -Not,Shot,Dead.. Trash White Police Claim They .Heard Gun -Shots.. I Think Trash White Police Was Fired..Parents Of,Jordan -_---Edwards Say Jordan. Edwards Brothers Have Nightmares -Of Their Brother Murdered In .Front Of Them..The F B I ,Has -Said,White Police Are KKK Members....Where Are Black -Police,When This Happens,.?They Know White Police Are --,Racist, Have Been Fired..What Do Black Police Tell.Their -Sons,When Their Sons Leave Their House?If You .Get -Stopped,By White Police ,Tell.Them Your Parent Is A Police -,Officer So They Want Get. Shot?.Black People Are Helping. The --KK K ,With The Black Holocaust...
  19. Black In America,Essays And Poems About Racism .In America..Wednesday Night. Watched Black Like Me,Old,Movie,About A White Man.Who Took Pills To Turn ,Black ,To Find Out What It Was Like Being A Negro ,In.The,South.. Movie Was Interested If Black.Men,Thought,About Having Sex With .White Men,The Size,Of The Sex Organs,Myth,Black Men Was Bigger...White,Woman Did Not Want Her Child Talking To A Black Man, Klan .Wanted To Beat Him. Up .Actor Did Not Look,Black... Racist White In The Past And Now ,Think All,Black,Men ..Want White Women,Not. That Not True..Same,Time,Wednesday Night,On Reels Channel,Ted Bundy Who Killed Many White Women,Charles Manson,And His ,Bunch Killed White People To Start A Race War...
  20. 25 Years ,Ago.,White Police Got Away With .Almost Beating --,Rodney King To Death..White City,White Jury,White -Condoned,It. Still Upset .Because O J Simpson ,Had A -Mostly,Black Jury And Was Found Not Guilty..Rodney King -"s,Words Can .We All Get Along? No!! Video Of Rodney -King,Beating By Those Klan. Demons .,Eric Garner -Choked,To,Death Over Cigarettes,Freddie Gray,Walter Scott,12 -,Year Old Tamir Rice,That Long List Of Nazi Police Gunning -Down Unarmed Black Males..Freddie Gray,Black -Police,They,Know What Happened On Police Van ..April --29, 1992,..Then There Is The Black Police . They Know White -Police,Have Been. Fired For Being Members Of The Nazi-Klan..The KKK,Is A Terrorist Organization....Neither Political - Party Talks About White Police In KKK..April 29,,1992,LA Riots...
  21. There Is A Book Called For White Folks Who .Teach In. The --,Hood .Author Talks About The Perception ,Opinion ,That --,Children Of Color ,Are Un teachable..Assuming Inner -City,Schools. Book .By Terrance Hayes .Have Not Read It. I -.Was,Looking At Books By Black Authors.
  22. Read Online Black .Men .And Depression. Read Black -Men,Drink More Alcohol Than White Men. Who Knows,If,That,Is ---True .. White Men Is Not Condemned Because Of Their -White,Skin.. Read Women Have A Who Cares Mentality To -Guard Against Disappointment . Skin Color Some May -Feel,They Are Inferior ..Some Reason Some Black Men -Are,Depressed .Decreased In Activities, Lost Of Interest In --,Activities ,Negative Outlook .On Life,Alcohol,Drugs .The Black-Church ,They Do Not Reach To Black .Boys Or Black -Men..Church Controlled By Corrupt,Money Worshipping --,Preachers.-.Besides Controlling Black Votes,Do The -NAACP,,Congressional Black .Caucus Organize -Community,Programs For Black Children,Specific Black -Boys,Black Men?Black People Enslave Themselves And -The,Communities..Black Women Raise Children Alone. Racism,Along With No Black Unity Adds To The Problem..
  23. I Was Checking Channels Seeing. What. Was On,. On C-Span, Saw , Book -Topic Black Elephant. In. The Room. Book About Black,Republicans.. Are They Uncle Tom's,Sell Outs --,Traitors,To The Black People..?. Did Not Watch This. Will Say,This I Think Dr. Ben Carson And Herman Cain ,Is The Black,Republicans ..Two Idiots .Democrats Just .As Bad....The,Democrats Get Black Votes Whether They Do -Anything Or Not. Black Lives Matters,Depends On Who -Kills,You.. Police Or Someone. Who Is Not Black,Do Not See --,Protesting Against Street Gangs,Pimps ,Crack House -Crack,Sellers ,Corrupt Preachers ,By NAACP , Congressional,Black Caucus..Preachers Motivated By -Money,Greed. They Buy New Cars Instead Uplifting -.Communities.
  24. News,In Fresno,California, A Black Man Nickname ,Black-Jesus,,Shot And Killed 4 White Men. He Is Anti-White. .Hates,White People. His Name Is Kori Ali .Mohammed.. On,Tuesday ,He Shot ,Killed 3 White Men,Last Week --,Shot,And Killed A Unarmed Security Guard. Police Say. I,Was,Thinking About All. The Unarmed Black Males -That,That,Have Been Shot And Killed Deliberately .Several --,White Police Have Been .Fired For Being In The -Klan..Surprised This Black Man .Was Not Shot And Killed ,For,Killing White Men...He Calls Himself Black --.Jesus..In,Cleveland,Black Man Who Shot And Killed A Elderly,Black Man,Committed Suicide..He Had The Killing,Life,On,Facebook.....
  25. 70 .Years Ago, April.15, 1947. Jackie Robinson --.Integrated,Baseball.. .Amazing. He Was Not. Assassinated --...He,Was Involved Civil. Rights And Social .Issues -After,Playing Baseball. There Are Several .Books About Him...
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