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Proverbs and Wisdom

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A counselor who understands proverbs soon sets difficult matters aright.

Anyone love proverbs? Please feel free to share some. :-)

"Wretched is he who injures a poor man."

"Baseness may obtain riches, yet crime never lands it wares on the shore. In the end only Maat lasts."

"Do not be proud and arrogant with your knowledge. Consult and converse with the ignorant and the wise, for the limits of art are not reached. No artist ever possesses that perfection to which he should aspire. Good speech is more hidden than greenstone (emeralds), yet it is may be found among maids at the grindstones.."

"It is better to pay for medicine than to pay for a funeral."

"A man is the cock of this world; a woman is the hen."

"When a journey turns out well, everyone claims to have come on his own, but if a journey should turn out badly, everyone remembers the person who induced him to make the trip."

"Palm trees that come from the same soil yiield the same type of win.

"Time longer than rope."

"No load is ever too heavy for a horde of ants."

"All you can do to the defiant, little boiling clay pot is stare att it. You dare not pick it up and smash it."

"It is Mr. Old Man Monkey who marries Mrs. Old Woman Monkey."

"Snake at your feet, stick in your hand."

"A rag abandoned in one corner of the house will some day become useful."

"He who studies history is prophetic."

"When a child throws a stone into the marrketplace, his mother or kinsmen may be hit."

"A palm tree that dislikes gourds must not produce palm wine."

"No one can tell how and when water entered inside the coconut or pineapple.

"A cow does not know the usefulness of its tow until it is cut off."

"The white cock is not appreciated in its compound."

"There is hope for the living dog; for a living dog is better than a dead lion."

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