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Moon struck

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Last night a rare phenomena appeared in the sky and, as is my custom when something like this occurs, I venture out into the night to gaze skyward and commune with nature. This time I really had an ideal setting for doing this because the weather was warm, the breezes balmy and the visibility clear.  So on June 20th, the occasion of  2016's summer solstice, I stood on my patio and stared up at the full moon which hasn't coincided with this date since 1948 and will not happen again until 2062.  Any full moon  during the month of the summer equinox  is called a "strawberry moon" because Native Americans looked upon it as a good time to gather fruits and berries.

Smiling back at the man in the moon and basking in the magnetic moonbeams he was sending my way gradually became a surreal experience as I could feel sensations radiating throughout my body, energizing my spirit, At some point I would've been perfect happy to just dissolve into the atmosphere and surrender to the universe and give full sway to my star child origins. Filled with wonder about my existence and the nature of reality, what came to mind was a favorite quote from Poe proclaiming  "all that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream".   :mellow:

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