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Bill Clinton is a Monster

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As I spend countless hours over the last few days in the tedious task of migrating content to my database I've been listening to Youtube videos.  The following is of journlist and writer Christopher Hitchens who discusses in great detail the criminal activity of Bill Clinton

Man if you listen to Hitchens go on about Bill Clinton, I'm not sure confident he would vote for Hillary as Sam Harris seems to be.  Now Hillary is not Bill, but sheesh she supported and presumably had knowledge of everything he did, and even ran with her own schemes.  

I see now that Frank and Clare from Netflix's House of Cards are based upon Bill and Hillary.  It did not dawn on me until now, but it seems obvious now...


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So what is the takeaway from this?  That if Hillary gets in she, with Bill at her side, will betray the country, ignore the constituency who put her in office, engage in sleazy sexual encounters, and do whatever she and her husband can get away with to increase their personal fortune?  They are, indeed, ruthless people in the ruthless arena of politics.  However, I personally think the Clintons simply compartmentalize their scruples and now that they have amassed a fortune, they're ready to nurture their hunger for power and sanitize their legacy by rescuing America and getting it back on track. 

Donald Trump's wife's history is equally appalling to me.  Should he be elected, the first lady of America will be a skank who was once a paid escort and starred in soft porn movies, all of which also  makes a mockery of the highest office in the land. 

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That is just it Cynique running for the Presidency is like a relativity TV show, pure entertainment and no substance.  

I think a system that would put ether of these two in the position to be the president is profoundly flawed, and the nation will get the short end of the stick.

It seems no intelligent, righteous, ethical person would subject themselves to the gauntlet that is running for POTUS in this social media crazed, 24-per-day news cycle age.  We are a culture that values symbols over substance.

I'm sure the polls will illustrate how serious a problem this has become.  If Donald wins the problems could be more serious than I imaged.

Meanwhile here in Florida, the land of Trumpettes, we are looking at the potential for 150 mph sustained winds. 


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All we can do when it comes to Hillary being elected is to hope that the will end justify the means.  I still think her goal is to become a female FDR, and put America on the road to economic stability and social justice. The days of a "man on a white horse" appearing in time of crisis to save his country from ruin are over. If a bitch in a red pants suit can make headway in getting the job done, then so be it.

Take cover and stay safe.  Hurricane Matthew is merciless and color blind.


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