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Take My Word For It

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I’ve always been fascinated with the dynamics of language. A tool that enables communication, language can frequently be inadequate. But it can also be powerful. As components of language, certain words can trigger rage and indignation at the mere sound of them. The most obvious example of this is the epithet “nigger“. A simple 2-syllable utterance that stands for so much. Just the enunciation of this one word is powerful enough to incite mayhem when it comes out of the mouth of a white person in the presence of black person. A black person can seethe with suspicions about racial prejudice but once the n-bomb is dropped, anger and the threat of violence immediately erupt. A similar reaction occurs when a white speaker refers to Blacks as “you people” or calls an adult black man a “boy”.

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Sez who?

Mention the name of Union General William T. Sherman in the same sentence as military expertise, and a Georgia cracker might stuff a rebel flag down your throat.

For a girlfriend to be called a “cunt” by her boyfriend is a deal breaker.

Calling his penis “little” can render a lover impotent.

Say the word, “no” to a 2-year-old toddler and a tantrum will be the result.

A coveted bachelor can crush the hopes of a middle-aged single woman by referring to her as “old”.

The self-esteem of a struggling student can be permanently damaged by calling her “dumb”.

Dissin a gang-banger by calling him a “punk bitch” can make the name-caller a target for gun-shots.

Calling a family member a “liar” can damage a relationship.

Branding a child born out of wedlock a “bastard” inflicts a permanent scar.

Labeling a soldier a “coward” can disarm his honor.

Calling a college graduate “inept” can fuel self-doubt.

Calling a size 14 woman “fat” can ruin her day.

Whether used to devalue or to agitate, specific words are, indeed, loaded with power, and can be even more insidious when, if left unsaid, a loud silence accuses.

Complicated business this pondering the riddles of Life. Thoughts can become things, words can become shackles; reality is a cell in the “it-is-what-it-is” prison - truth a facet in the “seeing-is-believing” prism. We page through the dictionary of our encounters, defining and being defined.

But all is not lost. Salvation lies in the magic that words of praise can invoke, having the effect of sunshine on a rose bud. Even more inspiring is how love can demonstrate that actions speak louder than words. Maybe when all is said and done, “Life is the question. Love is the answer”.

Silent night, holy night. Enjoy your holiday, everyone, and may the new year bring you peace and joy.


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