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Important Changes to Our Online Book Club


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How our Book Club Operates


Participation is easy. Discussions are held on the comments section of the book’s description page, near the book of the page. Feel free to join us anytime; discussions are not limited to the month the book was selected and anyone may join the conversation. 


How Books Are Selected


Starting with the August 2019 selection, books are selected, for our reading list, from a list of books suggested by our readers. Our club’s moderator, Tony Lindsay, has the final say on the books selected. He is always free to select a book of his choice. 


Whether your book is selected or not, by sharing your book recommendation will help us all discover interesting books to read.


You may suggest books for our reading list on our Black Literature Forum.  The only criteria is that the book be written by or about Black people.  All genres in fiction and nonfiction are acceptable.


Where Discussion Take Place


The discussions for each book will take place on the page describing the book (as described here).


Additional Information 


AALBC.com’s online book club, “The Coffee Will Make You Black” ran, continuously, from 1998 until 2006. The book club was moderated by Thumper. The club was briefly resurrected in 2010, when both Fiction and Nonfiction titles were selected. Unfortunately, the club was discontinued the same year.


In October of 2018, novelist, educator, avid reader, and advocate for Black literature, Tony Lindsay began running AALBC’s “The Coffee Will Make You Black online book club.” after a 8-year hiatus.


Finally, our book conversations do not have to be limited to the books on AALBC's reading list. Conversation can take place on the pages of any of the, over 13,000, books highlighted on our website.  


Please post any questions or suggestions by replying.

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