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Pioneer1's Glossary

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Neely Fuller Jr.  has taught that one of the main tools that White Supremacy has used to dominate much of the world is CONFUSION.  

Confusion in thought, leads to confusion in both speech and action.  He's also advised us that in order to avoid confusion and deal with each other on a clear and consistent basis we should actually MAKE UP our own definition for the words we use and STAND BY that definition in order to be consistent.

Making up your own definition for words you didn't invent in which  definitions have already been established MAY seem ridiculous on it's surface; however experience and observation may teach us that as long as we are CONSISTENT with using the same definitions for those same words over and over again with little or no exceptions or contradictions people will learn to  understand each other and relate to each other in a much more harmonious way as there will be far less misunderstandings and thus less confusion.

To minimize confusion over the posts I write I've decided to NO LONGER use terms that I no longer believe in but will instead post terms that I consistently use as much as possible but refer the readers who are interested to THIS GLOSSARY so that they will have a clear and concise understanding of the words I use instead of assuming I mean one thing when I actually mean another.

This is NOT an "urban dictionary" of slang and colloquial terms used by AfroAmericans, but rather  a  SHORT list of terms that I use frequently on this site.
Expect this list to continue to grow as needed:


………  :  row of periods that represent a "pause" such as that in speech.   Often used to get readers to briefly pause and think more carefully about what I just wrote before moving on.
(Like this.....for example.)

African:  racial term for dark brown skinned people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the continent of Africa.  Commonly called "Black"

AfroAmerican: ethnic group consisting of people of various races and racial combination who all have SOME ancestry of Africans who were brought to the Americas for the purposes of enslavement.

Biophile: Person who finds both the opposite sex AND the same sex attractive


Caucasian:  racial term for non-melanated or lightly-melanated people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the Caucasus Mountains.  Commonly called "White"

Continental Africans: term for Africans who were born on the actual continent of Africa

Culture:  Combination of thought, speech, and action practiced by an entire group of people consisting of similar patterns of language, food, religious beliefs, ect...

Dravidian: racial term for dark brown skinned people who's ancestry is all or predominately from the area of Asia currently known as India, Pakistan, or the Indian sub-continent.   Sometimes referred to as "Asiatic Blacks".

Espanol:  Name of the language commonly called "Spanish"


Ethnicity/Ethnic Group:  A group with the same cultural practices


Genotypical: Related to one's genes, chromosomes, DNA, ect....

Girl: Term of endearment when referring to an AfroAmerican woman during friendly conversation

God/god:  An intelligent and powerful Being superior to human beings.  Capitalized or non-capitalized based on context.  Not necessarily The SUPREME BEING.

Heterophile: Person who finds only the opposite sex attractive

Homophile: Person who finds only the same sex attractive

Kemet: Ancient kingdom on the land mass today known as Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan

Kenaan: Ancient kingdom on the land mass today known as Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria


Latino/a/x: Ethnic group of people despite their race who were born in Central or South America or whose BOTH parents were born and raised in Central and South America, especially if they were raised practicing one of the many cultures of Central and South America

Ma'afa:  The on-going massacre and enslavement of Africans by Caucasians.   Often divided into two fronts:
The Eastern Ma'afa in which Arab Caucasians invaded north and north eastern Africa massacaring and enslaving the various populations and taking many back to various parts of south Asia to be slaves.....and The Western Ma'afa in which European Caucasians invaded west and central Africa massacaring and enslaving the various populations and taking many to the Americas to be slaves.


Malik Shabazz:  name of the person formerly and most commonly known as Malcolm X.

Man:  Colloquial term used toward another AfroAmerican male (despite age)

Musa:  Law Giver who was sent from Kemet to the Caucasus mountains to civilize and organize Caucasians


Meso:  The brown skinned people  with straight black hair whose ancestry is all or predominately from the original people of North, Central, and South America.  Commonly called Indians or Native Americans.

Meztizo:  Racial group of people mixed with both the Caucasian and Meso races.


Nationality:  Members of the same nation or tribe 

Negro: term of derision for an African who's speech and/or behavior is displeasing; or less often a poetic/comical term for African people in general when used by other Africans.

Nigga:  term of endearment only when used by AfroAmericans to/or about other AfroAmericans; OR a term of derision (stronger than Negro) for a stereotypical African


Phenotypical:  Related to how one looks physically especially unchangable features like skin color, hair texture/color, ect....

Race Soldier:  Caucasian member of a law enforcement or military agency who is NOT there to practice the rules of those institutions but has infiltrated those institutions as a strategy to use it's resources in the on-going 4000 year old race-war to practice and further the goals of that race-war.

Sub-Culture:  A modified or deviated form of a larger more established culture.  Many Sub-cultural practices in AfroAmerican society are as a result of many if not most of our people not being able to PROPERLY practice the actual culture that Caucasians have implemented because of various reasons like not having enough money, not being smart enough, not having enough resources, not having any connections, having different genes,  ect......



SUPREME BEING:  Most powerful BEING in all of Existence.  All letters capitalized out of extreme respect and reverence.  You'll notice I will almost never use the terms "he" or "she" in reference to this BEING.

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On 6/12/2020 at 4:08 PM, Pioneer1 said:


I use the term "Melanin Challenged." I got it from a short film PBS produced named "White" where a man in the future ends up selling his melanin as impossible as it is.



The idea of people being "Caucasian" is a misnomer. It started with Christophe Meiners. Johann Blumenbach used it in his attempt to describe the varieties of humans in his book "Handbuch der Naturgeschichte" (Handbook of Natural History). It has nothing to do with the origin of the "Caucasian" race.


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