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JUNETEENTH ,Slavery. Ended ?????

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On. The. News. Black. People   Marching. June. 19,1865 ,Slavery. Ended ?? After. George. Floyd's. Murder. From. Racist.  White. Po!ice.  Protest -Marching   For. Justice. Conversations. About. Racist. Trash. White-Po!ice..  To. End. Poverty In. This. Racist. Rich. Country.  Black  -Athletes ,Talking  About  Juneteenth   On The  News .  Black  Wal!  Street.,-The-Racist  Lunatic  President  Trump  Says   He  Made  Juneteenth  -Famous .. All  This   Police  Reform   Talk  ,White  Police  Are  Racist  Before  ,They-Become. Police. Officers .  .Then. There. Is. Black. Peop!e. Who-Are. Enslaving.  Black. People.  .Christianity. Has. Enslaved- Black. People -And. Black. Communities...Crack. Houses. ,Pimp Houses,-Street-Gangs. Slaughters. Black. People ,Enslave. Communities -Will -There. Be. Matches.  Against. The. Crack. Houses,Pimp  Houses --Street-Gangs?No ,Black. Genocide. Is. Okay. Christianity. Enslaved. Black. -People. ,It. Is. A. Multi  Million Dollar. Business..

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Lol......slavery ended?

Slavery didn't end, it just TRANSFORMED.


Instead of buying and selling Africans on the auction block and breeding them for cheap labor-

Now they've decided to arrest and imprison as many AfroAmericans as they can for cheap labor  AND import as many Mesos and Meztizos from Central America as they can for even more cheap labor.

So rather than ending, it not only transformed but even EXPANDED.

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