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Friday13-BLACKDEATHPLAGUE & Now Covid19-IntelligentDesign?

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Intelligent Design?





Stela of Nakhtmin



So, the American government has made it law in that the Theory of Evolution be taught in our educational system. Even though Evolution has never been observed by any human eye, somehow law makers have published that it can be safely taught as truth. On the other hand, however, the subject of 'Intelligent Design' has been outlawed. Part of the legal jargon that outlaws intelligent Design would be of its connection to religion and therefore an infringement on the human rights of non-believers of Creationism. So the question that follows would be based upon the Descendants of the Native Americans [DNA] and of the African American Descendants of Slaves [AADOS]: For about For about 200 years, our ancestors have been massacred or enslaved in the name of Christianity which was the very basis for the setup of this same government. So now that Christianity has been outlawed, then what about our human rights? We, their offspring, were violently taken from our ancestors and forced to embrace Christianity so therefore, what about those of us that accept Christianity? Are not our human rights violated again? Can we reject the act of being massacred and the act of being enslaved for life but accept Christianity? This then will be the basis of this research of which will be based on the Scientific Aspect of the Biblical Scriptures to show the validity of Intelligent Design and specifically as it pertains to Creationism. However, because of the vastness of the select subject of the Biblical and scientific aspects of two major plagues, then it will be segmented into five (5) parts.


Though Christianity has been abandoned by European American lawmakers, however, this religion has never been rejected altogether globally. The ban on Creationism outlines that it does not violate the constitutional right of free speech but that would not be true at all, not only because of the previous argument that pertains to the DNA and the AADOS, but also because there are many aspects of it that absolutely addresses confirmed scientific facts recorded in ancient scriptures. And the scriptures have been based on an eyewitness account. Recorded proven facts in ancient scriptures would be a separate issue apart from individual belief. If one chooses to believe or not in ether evolution, theories, or a Creator, notwithstanding, that would be a personal choice, however, for the government, it comes down to the acknowledgment of scientifically and historically proven facts, responsibility, and accountability. Ironically today, even though Intelligent Design has been banned and evolution continues to be taught, recently every morning students are compelled to stand and recite the ‘Pledge of Allegiance to the flag…one nation under God…with liberty and justice for all’! What a contradiction! Could this abrupt change have anything to do with the world plague!? Amazingly too, it would be the Biblical accounts of two ancient and terrible plagues that did occur and that directly connect to being intelligently designed and so therefore, their Biblical description may help to better understand the need for a better educational curriculum today.



Egypt~ The Friday 13th Plague; from BLACK FRIDAY to BLACK DEATH



Over the course of thousands and thousands of years, there have been many well-recorded and devastating plagues and epidemics that happened in just about every country in this world. The Holy Bible gives detail about several plagues throughout times, however there were two specific plagues that were so terrible that it led to the complete end of major old-world civilizations. The Biblical scriptures captures many events that did occur as a result of these plagues and the major affects that surrounded them were also well recorded. The immense amount of material that covers the aspects of these two ancient plagues, both in biblical text and in secular accounts, proves to be so much that only brief references and general references will be mentioned presently and then in the future perhaps more details can be added and highlighted. So, the first major plague that the Bible gives account of and that led to the complete downfall of major governments was actually the last of a series of plagues that occurred in ancient Egypt during the lifetime of Moses. Most Black Christians have never been formally taught about the scientific aspects of this plague, whether in Church or in government schools. We have rather, been taught a complete debauchery about this incredible time period byway of major media productions and then afterwards have taken these false accounts back into the Church of God and continue to believe in these deceptions. Nevertheless, this plague known as THE DESTROYER PLAGUE was well recorded in scripture as well as in other ancient scripts, and the aftereffects of it led to the complete end of the Egyptian empire and many other civilizations at that time. As a matter of fact, this Destroyer Plague, also known as THE BLACK FRIDAY PLAGUE, would eventually be known as the beginning cause of a long time period that became coined a DARK AGE, or perhaps, the First Dark Age; a time period that lasted for hundreds of years. However, after this DEATH PLAGUE, the Destroyer Plague, though, it would be more than thousands of years later that another phenomenal plague was prophesized in Biblical scripture to occur and now, that time has come past completely.


The Destroyer Death Plague marked the time of the expulsion of the Children of Israel from Egypt on the very day that it occurred, and the Biblical description also defines this time period as the EXODUS. The Bible also defines this time period of the Exodus as PASSOVER, a term that has not been formally taught and explained today for the Black Christians. The Biblical term PASSOVER was in direct response to the judgement of the Destroyer Plague and the purpose it served. Today, many people all over the world are beginning to prepare for this upcoming springtime Easter holiday of which includes this ancient PASSOVER mandatory festival instituted at the time of the Destroyer Plague and defines that the term ‘PASSOVER’ actually means that the Creator judged the Egyptian government for the HUMAN SACRIFICE and Human Rights Violations of the Hebrew Israelites and others who the government had targeted and exploited to the benefit of their civilization. So, this phenomenal plague was defined in the Bible, not to excuse the sins of the Hebrew Israelites continually, rather it was a direct target against the Egyptian system because it was oppressive and denied human rights to select groups of people because they were Black African-typed. The Hebrew Israelites were not immune to sin at all, however, the plague was a judgement against the government and its benefactors of which was no doubt some Hebrew as well! So only due to the government actions, the oppressed people’s sins were PASSED OVER! However, the Bible clearly details that not soon after the Exodus march began, many, many Hebrews died due to their resentment for being expelled from Egypt and for bad behavior. So, their sins were PASSED OVER on that very day that the plague began because they were ‘subjects’ of a government that denied them human rights and exploited them in many ways, however, many of them died shortly thereafter in their own sins.


So, this Destroyer Plague occurred about 4000 years ago in the northeast part of the continent of Africa, in the country of Egypt and eventually, the Egyptian government completely ended. But it would again be thousands and thousands of years later that another strange, phenomenal plague occurred. The Destroyer Plague began in Egypt and eventually affected other civilizations nearby and ancient trade cities that were dependent upon it. But when this next plague prophesized in the Bible happened, THE BUBONIC PLAGUE, also known as the Black Death Plague, however, it affected the entire Eurasian continent and other countries nearby as well. So now, the Bible details the Destroyer Plague that occurred initially in Egypt, later it details the Black Death Plague which began in China during the Old-World times and spread throughout the entire Eurasian continent, and now today this whole world has been struck with a strange world pandemic that has also been confirmed to have begun in China. But although the Destroyer plague and the Black Death plague have been well scripted in the Bible as prophecy and then after events occurred, however, it was not been fully understood at the time it began. Even though, it was prophecy hundreds and thousands of years before the two plagues occurred that ended governments, moreover, it was not well understood until much later in time and not until after the fallout affects from these plagues were recorded. So likewise, this strange phenomenon today may not have any obvious or well defined and recognizable Biblical context with regards to the Revelation prophecy of end times but due to the incredible details of the past two ancient plagues that were so intense and that caused the complete ending of major civilizations, therefore, it would be vital to get a better understanding of how exact Biblical prophecy has been, hundreds and thousands of years before certain events even happened. And in this kind of understanding, it may also help to better understand the concept of ‘Intelligent Design’.




THE BLACK DEATH PLAGUE—Timeline Discussion


It was the prophet Daniel who prophesized the Black Death Plague of Europe and Asia in detail and he did so more than a thousand years before it happened! Think about it! Daniel wrote about this insane plague that would completely bring a major empire to its end. The Roman empire had not even formed yet. Jesus Christ was not even born yet. And so more than a thousand years even before the Crusades, somehow Daniel wrote in detail of even the events that surrounded the rise and fall of the Crusader kingdoms and then the devastating effects of the Black Death Plague. Daniel wrote about this great plague that affected the Mongol empire of Genghis Khan and that would not even happen until way beyond the coming of Jesus and the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. So why do we not know the contents of this Biblical prophecy that was written and published more than a thousand years before it happened? Now amazingly so, it has come to past! That prophecy has not only been fulfilled, moreover, it has become history! So, why has the Church of God not taught us about this historical account that has not only been marked in scripture but also published in numerous scholarly publications around the world? Strangely so however, the western world’s publications about the Bubonic Plague has been extremely streamlined and only focuses on the lingering effects of this plague which, like the Destroyer plague, once it began it also continued to spread to nearby areas and manifest intermittently for years. Most of European publications about this Black Death Plague revolves around a much later time, in 1666 and a time that cannot even compare to its onset. Nevertheless, because of its undeniable presence when it began to occur in so many other parts of Eurasia, and because of the deaths of important leaders when it struck, therefore, the origin of the Bubonic Plague can never be completely hidden. And, it would be so for the historical records about the Exodus in that for some strange reason, the truth about its actual date and circumstances have been completely distorted. Could the history of these two great plagues have been deliberately maligned with an attempt to cover up its reality and therefore the result of some type of hidden agenda? If there has been some type of governmental calculated movement to cover up historical facts, then what purpose would that serve? Ultimately should the government acknowledge ancient Biblical records as a valid resource that supports the facts about the two ancient plagues? Furthermore, if the government acknowledge the facts from Biblical records, then the subject of Intelligent Design in school curriculums would need to be reconsidered.



Details About Both Plagues: [1] The FRIDAY 13 Plague – Exodus



A Brief Outline ~ About the Destroyer Plague

[1] Tuesday, September 10 – the Prophetess Miriam announces to the Hebrews to get a lamb for their family meal. The Hebrews were concentrated in Lower Egypt meaning North Egypt in an area known as Goshen. This area today would not be too far from present day Alexandria. They were the labor force in that region while the Nubians were also oppressed and were the main labor force located in Upper Egypt to the south near Thebes.


[2] Background: Prior to this day, Moses journeyed back into Egypt after being absent for 40 years and he came back at a time when the Hebrews were being greatly oppressed. Around this time in August/September the Egyptian court had relocated from their southern capital in Thebes to their northern capital in Memphis and became situated to oversee the anticipated annual crops of which was needed for the annual fall Barley Festival. Memphis was located at the headwaters and Goshen was located farther north towards the Mediterranean Sea area. Because of a massive economical governmental project that failed, the Hebrews and the Nubians were severely exploited, and another major treasure city was constructed by their labors. This included a significant labor force in rock quarries. Just prior to this time period, the Theban capital, of which had been previously abandoned and the Theban religion banned, was re-installed and the temples were re-occupied in Thebes by the Egyptian court. Although Moses would have well known the Aten court rulers, Assyrians, however, he was not a part of the actual Aten Sun Worship religion and capital system that was located in the central parts of Egypt and that collapsed prior to his re-entry back into Egypt.


[3] From Memphis to Goshen: The Egyptian rulers would leave their palaces in Memphis and take chariot caravans to Goshen and set up their tent camps to be situated and to oversee their labor force. This would be the main area where Moses and his older brother Aaron would meet the court. At this time, Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83 years old. Aaron and at least one of his sons were well known in Egypt even before Moses fled Egypt 40 years prior. Aaron would have been well acquainted with some of the well-known Hyksos peoples in that region as well.


[4] September 13 @ 6:00 PM, FRIDAY –FRIDAY 13 --Scientifically, it would still be September 13 until midnight, however, for the Hebrews, it became September 14 at 6:00 PM and at this time began their Passover Lamb Observance. Prior to this day, there had been terrible plagues that wreaked havoc on the crops, however, the barley crop was still not harmed. The scientific aspect of the barley crop and etc. has been well documented in scripture to confirm the actual time that these events occurred.  So, although the Roman Empire changed the Jewish Passover from autumn to springtime, ancient scientific records confirm the correct dates and times. And the Biblical records provide many scientific accounts such as the three barley seasons and harvesting, etc.


[5] the KAMSIN—The 50-day springtime yearly windstorm would be another scientific fact that marks the actual time of Passover to occur in September. Once the Hebrews marched to the Sinai Peninsula, there would be another similar type of wind force that they would have had to avoid and be situated prior to its season. However, at the time of the Exodus during the month of September, it has been for thousands of years, the best time of travel for people in Egypt.


[6] By the time of FRIDAY 13 @ Midnight the DEATH PLAGUE had already struck Egypt and done its’ damage. The pharaoh and his company rode their chariots in the night to Goshen to meet with Aaron and Moses. And he told them they were released to leave Egypt. Just the day before, the pharaoh and Moses had tense words and it was said that they would never face each other again! However, the Death Plague caused that to not be true! After the Passover lamb meal was served, the Hebrews and many other kinds of people that attached themselves to this conflict began to trek out of their communities in mass in the darkness.


[7] SEPTEMBER 15, @6pm—Sabbath Day/Saturday—The scriptures detail that within a few hours, the masses set up camp in Egypt by a river and began to prepare their flat bread meal [unleavened bread] that evening at 6:00 PM. And they rested for 24 hours on this SABBATH DAY! This would be another confirmation that the DEATH PLAGUE occurred on the day before on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. This was the beginning of the second aspect of the PASSOVER FESTIVAL. Many Black Christians have not been taught and do not understand that there are two separate Passovers; [a] Passover Lamb – that begins on September 14 and, [b] Passover Bread that begins on September 15/September 14@ 6:00 PM. The Passover Bread is the more common reference for the entire weekly festival. THE FOURTEENTH DAY ABIB [Tishri-abib] NOT Nissan! That next morning the masses moved out again.


[8] September 17 in the morning – the Hebrews had crossed over the Red Sea and they were pursued by the Egyptian forces.


[9] The entire Egyptian force was lost in that tsunami including the generalissimo, however, the pharaoh who was in the rear of his force survived the tsunami and returned to his capital. Amazingly, the Egyptian records do capture the events of the generalissimo, Nakhtmin, and his abrupt end! A few years later, the young pharaoh who challenged and mocked Moses died after much court intrigue. The high priest of the Theban court was the former high priest of the abandoned Aten Court, Ay [ie Ag] and he was the highest ruler and he loathed the young pharaoh, King Tut. And he loathed King Tut’s longtime advisor Horemheb as well. King Tut had chosen Horemheb to be the ruler after his death because there were no more heirs. But Ay had all the power and he chose his favorite, the generalissimo Nakhtmin [Na—Khety-Min] to become the next pharaoh over Egypt. However, because, as the Egyptian records do attest, Ay’s choice, the generalissimo, was MIA [lost at sea!] Ay became the next ruler over Egypt. Then after he died about four years later, Horemheb became the next ruler over Egypt. So even though the 18th dynasty ended officially after the death of king Tut, however, the next Egyptian dynasty did not form until after the death of the last ruler of that Theban-Egyptian court.


Secular Sources.


There are many. Although one of the most amazing references that mark this incredible historical time period of the Friday 13 Death Plague and the Exodus would be the account of the generalissimo, the Egyptian Crown Prince named Nakhtmin, that had an abrupt end of his life with no tomb burial. It would be one of the most dynamic reference points that absolutely correlates with the Biblical account of the parting of the Red Sea and the loss of the entire Egyptian military force!


However, the times and dates have been changed by the western world publications and this would be one major reason why many Black Christians today have no idea about the actual event of the Exodus. The western world has extracted exactly 100 years from the actual event. This was definitely a deliberate movement to hide historical and proven facts about this Death Plague, but why? Movies depict the 19th Dynasty of the Rammasids and the Egyptian government that conflicted with the Hebrews.  Just as the name of Moses should reveal, the Hebrews conflicted with the Thutmosis Egyptian government at the time of the Exodus. Although they did clash with the Rameses rulers that later formed, however, the head of the Hebrew force at that time was not Moses of whom had died by that time. By the time that the Hebrews clashed with the Egyptian government headed up by the Rameses II, Joshua headed up the Hebrew force. The scientific marker that correctly marks the time of the Exodus would be based on an earlier catastrophic phenomenon; the Explosion of Thera. This explosion marks the beginning formation of the Mosis Egyptian rulers of which would be 1662 B.C.! From this and so many other ancient records, the Exodus can be confirmed to have occurred in the year 1436 B.C. Therefore, Aaron was born 1519 B.C., Moses was born 1516 B.C. and so the DEATH PLAGUE occurred FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1436 B.C.


The explosion on the Greek Island of Thera was massive and had been recorded in ancient times by several contemporary sources. Although western publications vary on their dates, however, the other records agree with the start date of the explosion to have occurred at the same time that the 18th Dynasty formed in Egypt, 1662 B.C. The Egyptian records are extremely detailed about the time of the Exodus and therefore offer an immense number of resources that absolutely agree with the Biblical records. … cont.








Nakhtmin (also Minnakht) held the position of generalissimo during the reign of pharaoh Tutankhamun of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. …


He was the heir to the throne during the reign of the pharaoh Ay though he never became a pharaoh. It is assumed by scholars that he died towards the end of the reign of Ay (when he seemingly vanished from all records) and Horemheb, the designated heir of Tutankhamun, became pharaoh instead. [1][3]

Nakhtmin - Wikipedia



There is no clear-cut answer to the background or origins of Nakhtmin (also called MinNakht). This person springs into view in spectacular fashion, only to vanish without a trace shortly thereafter. It was speculated that there were three individuals by this name during that time; but we can now be certain that two of those names actually referred to this Nakhtmin alone. Evidently close to the ruling pharaoh, Nebkheperure Tutankhamun Hekaiunushema, Nakhtmin was a military commander under him. (Another “Nakhtmin” was married to Mutemnub, the sister of Ay’s wife Tey; and the couple had a son named Ay, who went on to become the High Priest of Mut and also the Second Prophet of Amun.)


In the Shadow of Nakhtmin: The Unfortunate Crown Prince of Egypt | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)




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