Crystal Allen
Biography of Crystal Allen
Crystal is a rare combination of passion, inspiration, grit and fun all rolled up into the nicest person you’ll ever meet! In every setting we put her in, the students fell in love with her immediately. She was the most impressive when working with reluctant, shy students, or those who were a little behind, because her stories and almost pep-talk type speeches, had them believing they were writers and inspired them to participate.— Meg Brown Director of Children’s Education
These were one of the many things written about the remarkable Crystal Allen. Crystal is the youngest of five children. She was born in a military hospital in Germany because her father was in the army. Her younger years were spent in New Albany, Indiana. She is married and has two sons and currently [2018] resides in the state of Texas.
Crystal is a prolific author a leading voice and an inspiration in the educational system. She travels the world and facilitates writing workshops for middle-school-aged children. It is ironic that she has blossomed into the confident writer and speaker that she is today planting seeds of confidence within children, because Crystal at their age was a reluctant reader and writer. She was also a target for bullying because she was the new kid and was the only one to have lived on a farm in her class. On top of the obstacles, that she had to overcome, she was friendless with the thoughts of loneliness always lingering nearby.
One day the middle school librarian introduced Crystal to em>Charlotte’s Web this was a huge turning point in her life. It was then that she discovered her newfound joy of reading and writing and contributes her being a well established author as a result of it. One thing that separates her and sets her apart from other authors is her ability to be relatable to her middle school audience. Whether they are shining as writers or whether they are reluctant readers or writers as she was she can relate to them all. Her inspirational message of never allowing obstacles to cause them to give up and to pursue their dreams at any cost is a lifelong lesson as to which she is living proof. Some of her many accomplishments entail becoming an Arizona Grand Canyon Reader Award Nominee in 2018. Texas Bluebonnet Award Master List in 2017. Spirit of Texas Reading Program Author in 2016. Kirkus List for Best Books of 2016 and the list goes on.
Crystal Allen is an amazing author and speaker as well as a prime example of one who turned her life lessons into a tool to cultivate the hidden talents of the next generation of readers and writers.
Author profile written by Daisy Copelin.
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