Keith Knight

“Well, you know… cats have better representation in the comics than Black people.”

Keith Knight Author Photo

Biography of Keith Knight

young keith knight Keith Knight is a cartoonist who was born and raised in the Boston area. Weaned on a steady diet of Star Wars, hip-hop, racism and Warner Bros. cartoons, Knight drew comics instead of paying attention in school. After graduating from college with a useless degree in graphic design, Knight drove out to San Francisco in the early ’90s and began taking drugs. It was here in the Bay Area where Knight developed his trademark poorly rendered, barely thought-out, last-minute cartooning style that has amused dozens for over a decade.

His work has appeared in various publications, including, The L.A. Weekly, The Funny Times, PULSE! magazin, and MH-18. Three of his strips were the basis of an award-winning live-action short in Germany. And his original comic strip art has appeared in museums and galleries worldwide. He has released three collections of his multi-panel strip, The K Chronicles, and is planning to release the first collection of his single panel strip, (th)ink. His semi-conscious hip-hop band, the Marginal Prophets, will kick your ass.

His regular feature The K Chronicles appears in various outlets, including DailyKos and previously appeared in the San Francisco Examiner, while (Th)ink is published in several newspapers and websites. A syndicated daily strip for United Media, The Knight Life, was launched in 2008. Knight is also the artist for two strips appearing in Mad, “Father O’Flannity’s Hot Tub Confessions” and “Bully Baby.”

Knight’ awards include:

  • In 2007, The K Chronicles won the Harvey Kurtzman Award for Best Syndicated Comic Strip.
  • The K Chronicles has won the Glyph Award Best Comic Strip in 2006, 2007, 2009, and 2010.
  • In 2010, Knight was presented a Comic-Con Inkpot Award for career achievement at Comic-Con.

Learn more at Keith Knight’s official website

13 Books by Keith Knight