Mari Evans

Mari Evans Author Photo

Mari Evans is a 2-Time Bestselling Author

Biography of Mari Evans

Mari Evans was born on July 16, 1919, in Toledo, Ohio. She attended the University of Toledo.

Evans’ poetic voice helped defined the 1960s Black Arts Movement. Over the course of her career, Evans has been a distinguished writer and university educator. She has taught at Cornell University, Indiana University, the State University of New York at Albany, the University of Miami at Coral Gables, and at Spelman College. She is the author of numerous articles, children’s books, plays, musicals and books of poetry. 

Fellow Poet Eugene Redmon celebrated Evans 95 Birthday. Evens passed March 10, 2017.

Poems by Mari Evans

And the Old Women Gathered (The Gospel Singers)

and the old women gathered
and sang His praises
resolutely together
like supply sergeants who
have seen
and are still
Regular Army: It
was fierce and
not melodic and
although we ran
the sound of it
stayed in our ears …


Where Have You Gone

Where have you gone

with your confident
walk with
your crooked smile

why did you leave
when you took your
and departed
are you aware that
with you
went the sun
all light
and what few stars
there were?

where have you gone
with your confident
walk your
crooked smile the
rent money
in one pocket and
my heart
in another…

Evans passed, March 10, 2017.

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9 Books by Mari Evans