Suzette D. Harrison

Suzette D. Harrison Author Photo

Suzette D. Harrison is a 2-Time Bestselling Author

Biography of Suzette D. Harrison

Suzette D. Harrison, a west coast native and the middle of three daughters, grew up in a home where reading was required, not requested. Her literary career began when her poetry appeared in a volume of creative writing published by her junior high school. While Mrs. Harrison pays homage to Gloria Naylor, Dr. Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison as forerunners who inspired her creativity, it was Alex Haley’s Roots (which she read at the age of fourteen) that unveiled the tremendous power and importance of African American literary voices. Wife of a university professor and mother of two gorgeous children, Mrs. Harrison is currently working on her next novel.

Photo Credit: Milmon F Harrison

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12 Books by Suzette D. Harrison