Winnifred Tataw

Winnifred Tataw Author Photo

Biography of Winnifred Tataw

Winnifred Tataw, or as most know her by “Winnie,” is an artist, entrepreneur, and author of her debut series: The Gods’ Scion. Winnie has had a lifelong love of literature and art. She wants to create a beautiful fantasy world with compelling and intriguing characters as a writer. As she grew as a writer she wanted to make her platform more accessible and supportive of other indie authors and writers. She created Win’s Books LLC with the intention of creating a space for authors to share, connect, and promote their literary works. Winnie loves to spread positivity and joy to those around her and look at the world through a glittery pink lens.

Learn more at Winnifred Tataw’s official website

4 Books by Winnifred Tataw