April Maria Williams

April Maria Williams photo

April Maria Williams received her Juris Doctor from Florida A&M University College of Law and also received a Master of Tax Law from the University of Houston. Since growing up in Elizabeth, New Jersey, April has always been an advocate for what is right. While studying her undergraduate degree and master’s degree at the University of Toledo, she began to see that her calling was that of a counselor. Not realizing at the time that she would be going into the legal field, she knew that her thoughts and opinions were valued because they spoke truth and were researched.

Williams was a member of the Law Review at Florida A&M University College of Law and a student representative of Student Bar Association. In her first three semesters of law school, she found a love for advocacy and social justice which was influenced by taking courses in Constitutional law. In studying constitutional law, she learned that justice is best served when it is for the betterment of all. Williams believes that the more diverse our society becomes, the more our laws must reflect that diversity. She believes that we all should have a voice and that all of our voices deserve to be heard.

Williams always enjoyed reading as well. As a child, she enjoyed reading and journaling, not realizing the integral part it would play in her life today. In law school, she found that her voice could best be heard through her writings on social justice topics. She wrote several social justice papers and realized that this type of writing was something she enjoyed.

Williams is currently a licensed attorney practicing in Texas. She currently works as a Civil Attorney, serving the legal needs of those in poverty. April is passionate about promoting social justice and ensuring that everyone has a fair chance in today’s society. Reading the law, understanding the law, and knowing the law is something she will continue to strive for every day.

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1 Book by April Maria Williams