Aracelis Girmay

Aracelis Girmay photo

Aracelis Girmay was born December 10, 1977 and is the author of several books of poetry including, Teeth and Kingdom Animalia, for which she was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award respectively. Kingdom Animalia was also a finalist for the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award.

Girmay also wrote/collaged the picture book changing, changing. Her poems have appeared in Granta, The Prairie Schooner, The Wide Shore, and Indiana Review, among other publications. Her honors include a Whiting Writers Award and fellowships from Cave Canem, Civitella Ranieri, and the NEA. She teaches in Hampshire College’s School for interdisciplinary Arts and Drew University’s low-residency MFA program in poetry.

Learn more at Aracelis Girmay’s official website

4 Books by Aracelis Girmay