Thru My Eyes: Thoughts on Tupac Amaru Shakur in Pictures and Words
by Gobi
Atria Books (Nov 01, 2005)
Hardcover, 176 pages
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Description of Thru My Eyes: Thoughts on Tupac Amaru Shakur in Pictures and Words by Gobi
Nine years after his death, Tupac Shakur’s allure is stronger than ever. With more than a quarter of a million copies of his poetry book sold to date; countless Internet sites; the Tupac Amaru Centre in Georgia, USA; university courses dedicated to his poetry and new hit recordings, it’s clear that interest in this complex and fascinating artist is still growing. "Thru My Eyes" is a collection of fifty photographs of Tupac, many never seen before by the public. Gathered from the last year of Tupac’s life (1995-1996), these are revealing and poignant images that show him pulling away from the dark forces that influenced his life and developing into a mature artist. With text written by Gobi, Tupac’s former music video director/producer, business partner and friend, "Thru My Eyes" provides an in-depth look at a frequently misunderstood performer and also reveals the lighter more playful side of Tupac. There are photographs presenting him as a lover of life and sex symbol; photographs of Tupac in frivolous mood, dressed as Rick James; photographs of him playing joyfully with his kids. And of course there are images depicting Tupac working at his crafts - acting and rapping - imbuing every task with the dedication and determination that defined his life.

- ISBN: 9780743457002
- Imprint: Atria Books
- Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
- Parent Company: KKR & Co. Inc.
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