Reclaim Your Power!: A 30-Day Guide to Hope, Healing, and Inspiration for Men of Color
by Terrance Dean
Publication Date: May 13, 2003
List Price: $15.00
Format: Paperback, 144 pages
Classification: Nonfiction
ISBN13: 9780812967784
Imprint: Villard
Publisher: Villard
Parent Company: Villard
Description of Reclaim Your Power!: A 30-Day Guide to Hope, Healing, and Inspiration for Men of Color by Terrance Dean
Reclaim Your Power! A 30-Day Guide to Hope, Healing, and Inspiration for Men of Color is a compact but powerful book in which community philanthropist Terrance Dean provides men of color with meaningful, spiritual meditations that can be practiced anywhere at any time. Quotations and exercises further build upon the daily lessons in the book. Among them: Listen; Be Still; Can’t No One Stop You but You; Faith; Have Integrity; and Move, Mountain, Get out of My Way!
“It’s no accident that you have this book in your hands,” writes Dean in his Introduction. “You or someone you know has thought enough about you to get you started or help you remember your connection to Spirit. Know that everything is divinely created and that you are meant to be here, right now, at this time, to become aware of your greatness. I encourage you to read this book and be open to its message.”
Reclaim Your Power! is designed to help men discover their own source of healing, hope, and inspiration—one cannot help but feel empowered after reading this book!
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