Correcting the Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic: Strategies to Fight Diseases and Prolong Life for Black People
by Emily Allison-Francis
Dare Books (Oct 20, 2011)
Paperback, 179 pages
Description of Correcting the Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic: Strategies to Fight Diseases and Prolong Life for Black People by Emily Allison-Francis
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a wide range of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, mental illness, pregnancy related complications, asthma, and arthritis, to name a few.
More than 90 percent of blacks are critically deficient in vitamin D and blacks suffer disproportionately from chronic diseases.
This is the first book to comprehensively address chronic vitamin D deficiency among dark-skinned people.
Find out:
- Why dark-skinned people are predisposed to vitamin D deficiency
- How to optimize your vitamin D levels if you are dark-skinned
- How chronic vitamin D deficiency contributes to diseases such as cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity.
- Why it is critically important that pregnant dark-skinned women optimize their vitamin D levels
- How children can benefit from vitamin D
- How elderly dark skinned people can benefit from vitamin D
- How hospitalized, dark-skinned people can benefit from vitamin D
- How some medications might affect your vitamin D level
- How to select and prepare foods that will optimize your immune system so your body can make effective use of nutrients such as vitamin D.
How dark-skinned athletes can benefit from vitamin D
Praise for Correcting the Vitamin D Deficiency Epidemic.
“Vitamin D deficiency plays an important role in many diseases that are disproportionally fatal to people of color. The author draws attention to this sad situation, and the need for all society, and concerned people of all ethnicities, to act upon it.”—Cedric Garland, PhD, Dr.PH, F.A.C.E Professor, University of California san Diego School of Medicine, La Jolla , CA
“The author has done a masterful job of synthesizing and organizing the emerging scientific information on the health benefits of vitamin D solar ultraviolet-B radiation, especially for black Americans. Her logical and very readable presentation should be required reading for every black family in the United States; white and brown Americans could learn much from it as well.”—William B. Grant, PhD Director, Sunlight, Nutrition and Health Research Center, San Francisco, CA.

- ISBN: 9780912444499
- Imprint: Dare Books
- Publisher: Dare Books
- Parent Company: Dare Books