Mixed Like Me
by Gina Golliday-Cabell
Publication Date: Oct 10, 2012
List Price: $10.95
Format: Paperback, 26 pages
Classification: Fiction
ISBN13: 9781469983165
Imprint: CreateSpace
Publisher: On-Demand Publishing LLC
Parent Company: Amazon.com, Inc.
Description of Mixed Like Me by Gina Golliday-Cabell
With the prevalence of blended racial and cultural differences in our society, children of various ethnic backgrounds often question the differences in appearances among themselves, their friends, and other family members. This charming children’s book reinforces an interracial child’s self-image, identity, and value, regardless of what they have heard or been led to believe, and will help to develop unity in their family, community, and the world, one child at a time.
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