Book Cover Image of The Gospel of Good Success: A Road Map to Spiritual, Emotional and Financial Wholeness by Kirbyjon H. Caldwell

The Gospel of Good Success: A Road Map to Spiritual, Emotional and Financial Wholeness
by Kirbyjon H. Caldwell

    Publication Date: Oct 02, 2000
    List Price: $17.95
    Format: Paperback, 256 pages
    Classification: Nonfiction
    ISBN13: 9780684863078
    Imprint: Touchstone
    Publisher: Simon & Schuster, Inc.
    Parent Company: KKR & Co. Inc.

    Paperback Description:
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    Twenty years ago, Kirbyjon H. Caldwell was a fast-track bond broker with an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. But he turned away from a six-figure income to answer the call of his Divine purpose. With the explosive power that comes from combining prayer with action, Caldwell transformed a struggling twenty-five-member congregation into a lean, mean Kingdom-building machine. The Windsor Village United Methodist Church now has more than 11,000 members and 120 ministries for everything from job placement and financial planning to weight loss and alcohol rehabilitation.

    The transformation of Windsor began with a simple truth: God wants His children to have good success. Not just the traditional concept of spiritual blessings, but redemption in every aspect of our existence: our emotions, career, finances, relationships, health, parenting skills, academic career, and more.

    In The Gospel of Good Success, Caldwell shares with you the six steps that transformed his life and Windsor Village. In his own inimitable, energetic style he will show you how to:

    • Find Your Calling
    • Stage a Comeback
    • Take the Faith Walk
    • Whup the Devil
    • Create Wealth God’s Way
    • Develop God-Blessed Relationships

    There is a road to good success. God does not always offer instant gratification, however. Only if you are willing to make the sacrifices of the journey will you enter the place where all the pieces of your life — your spiritual, financial, physical, professional, emotional, and relational pieces — will be in sync, not as pieces of some convoluted puzzle but as pieces fitting harmoniously together as a whole: the place that Pastor Caldwell calls Holistic Salvation.

    Let this book be your road map to Holistic Salvation. God has given you the promise of an absolutely successful life. Stand up. Claim it. Attain it. Be Whole.