Book Cover Image of Joy Comes in the Morning by Lucinda Askew

Joy Comes in the Morning
by Lucinda Askew

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    List Price: Unavailable
    Format: Paperback
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780692336335
    Imprint: To Be Determined
    Publisher: To Be Determined
    Parent Company: To Be Determined
    Paperback Description:

    The book’s title is based on Psalms 30, and the main character, Tracey, overcomes some Davidian obstacles due to beauty, charm, education, wit and plain old stubborn will. When faced with the possibility of losing her beloved family, she brokers a deal with her boss, a wealthy banker.

    “This novel came about because myself and others have held on to past hatred without being able to move forward,” explained Askew. “In writing these fictional characters, I learned we have got to let go of our past pain and hurt in order to receive the blessings that God has for us.”

    Joy Comes in the Morning unapologetically pleads with us to come to terms with our own unforgiveness. There are passages in the book that are “real, raw and insightful,” as stated by Dr. Sheila Tribble in the book’s forward. “The intimate themes, the exploration of love, responsibility and self-worth and empowerment are what give us the opportunity to grow.”