Book Cover Image of In Arcadia by Ben Okri

In Arcadia
by Ben Okri

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    Publication Date: Jul 24, 2003
    List Price: Unavailable
    Format: Paperback, 240 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780753817070
    Imprint: Orion
    Publisher: Orion Publishing Group
    Parent Company: Orion Publishing Group

    Paperback Description:

    A group of angry and ill-assorted people accept an invitation to make a journey. Inspired by a painting and financed by a mysterious benefactor, they set off to discover the real Arcadia. Or what remains of it. Their journey begins in ignorance and chaos at Waterloo station and takes them through superstition and myth to harmony. In the Louvre, in front of Poussin’s masterpiece, they begin to understand. ’In Arcadia takes that staple Shakespearean theme of appearance versus reality and uses it to explore the notion of paradise’ Scotsman