Book Cover Image of Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman

Jesus and the Disinherited
by Howard Thurman

Publication Date: Nov 30, 1996
List Price: $16.00
Format: Paperback, 124 pages
Classification: Fiction
ISBN13: 9780807010297
Imprint: Beacon Press
Publisher: Beacon Press
Parent Company: Unitarian Universalist Association

Paperback Description:

In this classic theological treatise, the acclaimed theologian and religious leader Howard Thurman (1900-1981) demonstrates how the gospel may be read as a manual of resistance for the poor and disenfranchised. Jesus is a partner in the pain of the oppressed and the example of His life offers a solution to ending the descent into moral nihilism. Hatred does not empower—it decays. Only through self-love and love of one another can God’s justice prevail.

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