Book Cover Image of Ghost of Ace Honeycutt (Whiskey House Trilogy, Book 3) by Marc Lacy

Ghost of Ace Honeycutt (Whiskey House Trilogy, Book 3)
by Marc Lacy

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    Publication Date: Jun 23, 2023
    List Price: Unavailable
    Format: Paperback, 323 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9780990795308
    Imprint: AVO Publishing
    Publisher: AVO Publishing, LLC
    Parent Company: AVO Publishing, LLC

    Paperback Description:

    First there was Curse of the Whiskey House, then there was Viral Xgressions, and FINALLY, Ghost of Ace Honeycutt completes this thrilling, exciting, and compelling Trilogy! Seems that the City of Lazarus (Alabama) cannot buy a break as the nonstop drama continues. The City of Lazarus, a once promising and thriving town in the middle of Hawthorne County is the reason why many travelers have avoided Central Alabama altogether. The aftermath of the wrongdoings at the dreaded Hawthorne County Whiskey House has cast Lazarus into a downward spiral that seems never ending.

    Initially, when it was suspected that the whiskey house was cursed, LPD Detective Brock Taylor lost his life in a valiant effort to try and end it. As violence and bloodshed ensued during the town’s quest to escape the nightmare, all the transgressions from the curse went viral, thus increasing the turbulence Lazarus had already been enduring. And as long as crooked former mayor Samuel Justice had a say so, somebody was getting setup, blackballed, or possibly picked off. Ace Honeycutt, a local thug who unfortunately lost his life in the whiskey house a few years back, was never really put to rest physically or psychologically. Although many were present when he passed, the body was never found after that in the midst of the mayhem. But that apparently did not stop people from continuing to feel his presence. By Lazarus being a so-called religious town in the middle of the Bible Belt, it was unthinkable for them to be submerged in the paranormal. Pierre, the brother of the fallen Detective Brock Taylor, Destiny, the aunt of the fallen Brooklyn Fontroy, and Braxton, the town whipping boy must find a way to persevere through the malignant thicket of obstacles that keep Lazarus in a constant state of regression. One has to wonder though, is a ghost really playing a role in terrorizing them to the point in which they cannot succeed? Or are they simply allowing their own personal demons to cast aspersions at their every attempt?

    The Spooky Prophets Motorcycle Club which entails a few relatives of Ace Honeycutt within its membership, has spawned out of the dark chasms of Hawthorne County. They have one job, destroy anyone and anything that had something to do with the demise of Ace Honeycutt. With the Spooky Prophets aggressively vying to avenge Ace’s death and Pierre, Brooklyn, and Braxton seeking to end the curse while supposedly being haunted by the late Ace Honeycutt, would this put them on a collision course for war? Would Lazarus and Hawthorne County be able to withstand another round of cataclysmic upheaval? Only time will tell.