Book Cover Image of The Lions’ Den  by Iris Mwanza

The Lions’ Den
by Iris Mwanza

    Publication Date: Jun 25, 2024
    List Price: $24.99
    Format: Hardcover, 272 pages
    Classification: Fiction
    ISBN13: 9781525819544
    Imprint: Graydon House
    Publisher: HarperCollins
    Parent Company: News Corp

    Hardcover Description:

    “An evocative, touching, and—in multiple senses—moving portrait of Zambian life and politics at a moment of great transformation. And in the tradition of Zambian storytelling, it shows us, it teaches us, how ordinary people like Grace, in extraordinary circumstances and under persistent forces of oppression, can nevertheless extend and bend the arc of justice.” —Namwali Serpell

    A missing boy. A corrupt system. A case that could change everything…

    When young queer dancer Wilbess “Bessy” Mulenga is arrested by corrupt police, fresh-from-the-village rookie lawyer Grace Zulu takes up his cause in her first pro bono case. Presented with a freshly beaten client, Grace protests to the police and gets barred from accessing Bessy, who then disappears from the system—and the world—without a trace. As she fights for justice for Bessy, Grace must navigate a dangerous world of corrupt politicians, traditional beliefs, and deep-seated homophobia.

    With the help of a former freedom fighter and the head of her law firm, who’s rallying for one last fight as AIDS takes its toll on him, Grace brings together a coalition of unions, students, and political opposition to take on the corrupt administration of President Kaunda. But will justice prevail in the face of such overwhelming odds?

    The Lions’ Den is a gripping and enduring novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. With unforgettable characters and a thrilling plot, Iris Mwanza has announced herself as a major new talent in fiction.