2 Books Published by Antoine Company on AALBC — Book Cover Collage

Click for more detail about Jack and the Beanstalk by Nina Crews Jack and the Beanstalk

by Nina Crews
Antoine Company (May 10, 2020)
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Jack receives beans from his neighbor and – lo and behold! – those beans lead him up a beanstalk and into the company of giants. How will he ever get back home? A contemporary retelling of the classic children’s story, Jack and the Beanstalk, illustrated with photographic collage. The story is set in Brooklyn, New York and features a multicultural cast.

Click for more detail about Below by Nina Crews Below

by Nina Crews
Antoine Company (May 30, 2015)
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Jack loves to play with his action figure, Guy. When Jack finds a hole in the stairs of his house, he sends Guy in to take a look. What does Guy find? Jack can only guess, but Jack has problem to solve, how can he rescue Guy from the hole!